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Welcome! February 26th, 2018 Monday

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1 Welcome! February 26th, 2018 Monday
Do Now Take a weekly Bell Ringer sheet from the front table. Once the bell rings, we’ll watch a video, and you will have five minutes to respond to the question in at least five sentences. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Click on the link below to watch a video clip
Click on the link below to watch a video clip. Respond in writing by providing your thoughts on the following question: Do you think it’s important to attend post-secondary education? Why or why not? © Presto Plans

3 Fishbowl/Socratic Seminar Prep!
Tomorrow, we’re going to have a Socratic seminar on some of the background information we’re received so far on Animal Farm. You will need to be involved in your class’s discussion about the questions. Your grade will be based on how well you: Ask questions Respond to questions Refer to the text (the background information given to you today, last week’s film, lecture, or webquest)

4 Fishbowl/Socratic Seminar Prep!
First, read through the discussion questions on your handout, but don’t answer them yet. Read the page titled “Animal Farm Background.” Read the page a second time. This time, annotate your thoughts in the margins. See your handout for specifics, but especially note any… Real world connections Strong opinions you have (along with your reasoning) Things that could help you answer any of the discussion questions Any questions you have Aim for at least one annotation per bullet point.

5 Fishbowl/Socratic Seminar Prep!
Once you’ve annotated your text, begin preparing your answers. They don’t have to be in complete sentences – bullet points are fine. Just make sure you are able to discuss your answers in depth during our Socratic seminar tomorrow. Also be sure to write down two questions you could ask your classmates during discussion tomorrow. Remember, a good discussion question is open-ended – there is no “right” or “wrong” answer. Think of ideas presented during our research that you want discussed.

6 Fishbowl/Socratic Seminar Prep!
IXL: F.5 and F.6 Instead of me giving you points as you talk tomorrow, you’re going to have a partner score you. Pick a partner. Write your names at the top of your “Fishbowl Discussion Evaluation” paper. Tomorrow, your partner will use this paper to… Tally how many times you ask a question, respond to a question, and refer to the text Write a few comments about the quality of your contribution to the discussion Rate your performance on a scale of 1-10 along with an explanation

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