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DMAIC Analyze, Improve, Control

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1 DMAIC Analyze, Improve, Control
6 DMAIC Analyze, Improve, Control GEOP 4316

2 Analyze The third phase of the DMAIC process
Identify types and relevance of problems Identify and classify casues Many tools to perform root cause analysis Based on the results obtained in the measure phase Note DMAIC is not a purely linear approach Define items/elements are revised during the measure and analyze phases Measure items/elements are part of the define and analyze phases

3 Analyze SIPOC: Suppliers- Inputs-Process-Outputs-Customers
S: Sources of materials and information I:The materials and information P: Main steps to create the Output O: Product or Service C: Who wants/uses the product suppliers inputs process outputs customers metrics Supplier 1 Supplier 2 Output 1 Output 2 Output 3 Customer 1 Customer 2 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 metric 1 metric 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

4 Analyze Cause and Effect Matrix Use to relate two sets of information for example: a) inputs to process, b) process to outputs, c) outputs to customer requirements. Process Assy Cost Part Rel. Rework Transp. Cost Base Assy H L -- Electronic Assy Seal & Epoxy Test and Verify Packaging

5 Analyze Failure Modes Effect Analysis (FMEA)
What can fail? What is the probability? Can we know the failure is about to occur? When do we know? What is the effect? In a process or product the following must be identified. Possible failures Probability of the failure (codes for likelihood) Impact of the failure (codes for severity) Likelihood of detection [causes that lead to the failure] (codes for higher likelihood) RISK PRIORITY NUMBER : Pr x Im x Det

6 Analyze FMEA Prioritize high probability, high impact, highly detectable failures, then: Reduce probability Mitigate impact Plans for quick reaction when causes detected For failures, also quantify potential impacts ($ lost, customers lost, cost of rework) Consider “Worst case scenarios” For non-detectable but high impact, high risk – work on how to detect

7 Analyze Multiple other tools Design of Experiments
Multiple X’s Cannot do all possible tests. Develop a testing process to understand the relationships. Discrete event simulation Process model of a system that includes variability.

8 Improve This phase deals with developing a solution to the problem in order to reduce variability and meet desired targets. Could include evaluation investments in technology, training or human resources. This involves brainstorming potential solutions, selection solutions to test and evaluating the results of the implemented solutions. Often a pilot implementation is conducted prior to a full-scale rollout of improvements. articles/25328.aspx#ixzz1SJD0JIfJ

9 Improve Brainstorming ideas
Important to include the people who are involved in performing the process. A variety of techniques are used to brainstorm potential solutions to counter the root cause(s) identified in Analyze. Encouraging participants to challenge rules and assumptions, ban excuses and think like small children can be very effective. Ideas should not be eliminated prematurely. Even an outlandish idea that couldn't possibly be implemented as first suggested may lead to a related idea that is an ideal solution.

10 Improve Selection of solution
Good idea to involve the people who work on the process that is being improved, be included in the decisions regarding which potential improvements to implement. Need to establish criteria for evaluating the proposed improvements in an objective manner. Criteria usually include time line for implementation, financial cost, the extent to which root causes are likely to be countered and the overall ease of implementation.

11 Improve Selection of solution
Weights should be assigned to each criterion prior to evaluating the proposed solutions. Tools to assist with the evaluation include a priority matrix and a Pugh matrix, both of which use basic calculations and ratings to compare the solutions against each other or against a standard. Computer simulation can be beneficial in the evaluation process. Weight Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Time to develop 8 - 1 (long) + 2 (short) Improvement in value 4 + 2 (high) + 1 Investment level 3 - 1 (significant $) Add New Customers 6 + 2 + 4 (many!) - 1 score 12 21 14

12 Control The primary objective of the DMAIC Control phase is to ensure that the gains obtained during Improve are maintained long after the project has ended. Focus is to standardize and document procedures, make sure all employees are trained and communicate the project’s results. The project team needs to create a plan for ongoing monitoring of the process and for reacting to any problems that arise.

13 Control Review and update process maps.
Development of a user guide which spells out the steps of the process and provides rationale. Establish a plan to monitor the new process and act when results are not up to spec, so that the project gains will be maintained. Monitoring plan specifies the metrics that will be tracked to summarize process performance, as well as specifying how and how often they will be tracked.

14 Control The metrics to be monitored will be directly related to the Critical To Quality (CTQ) measures determined during the Define phase The monitoring plan also indicates what constitutes satisfactory performance and what should be considered a red flag indicating possible problems. Monitoring plan must assign responsibilities. Control charts are used by the process owner. To watch for process shifts or other signs that there may be a problem with process performance.

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