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How do you decide what to believe?

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Presentation on theme: "How do you decide what to believe?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you decide what to believe?
22-Nov-18 How do you decide what to believe? Get pupils to raise their hands to show which image they see, if they see both then they raise both hands Old woman Young woman

2 How do you decide what to believe?
Get pupils to raise their hands to show which image they see, if they see both then they raise both hands The idea is that we all see the world differently Duck Rabbit

3 What does influence mean?
I understand the term ‘Influence’ Think/ pair/ share the question. What does influence mean?

4 Something or someone that can change the way you think about things.
INFLUENCE Something or someone that can change the way you think about things. Pupils can read the slide.

5 How much do you trust these?
Talk to your partner Tabloids Friends Video games Youtube Facebook Teachers Give pupils time to discuss amongst themselves and then have a whole class discussion, using examples. BBC Twitter Parents

6 Speeches Show video clip and discuss why many people say that this speech made Barak Obama president. A charismatic speaker leaves an impression on their audience that makes them want to come back for more. Click the picture to watch.

7 Can you think of why speeches can have a positive influence?
Think/pair/share the question. Examples could include campaigns, charities, Martin Luther King

8 Can you think of why speeches can have a negative influence?
Think/pair/share the question. Examples could include Hitler

9 How can we be influenced by video games?
Class discussion: Positives could include building resilience, negatives could include exposure to violence that could lead to dehumanization and seeing real life violence as a normal thing. If you murder somebody in a computer game, there are no consequences, in real life they are dead.

10 Radicalisation Sometimes people, or groups of people can be influenced to follow extreme ideas. This is called radicalisation and can lead to dangerous acts. Explain the slide to pupils and discussion terrorism and why people become radicalised. It could be because they feel like they don’t belong and want to be part of something. It can also be due to influences from the media, social media and video games.

11 What have people become radicalised to do?
Pupils can discuss the images with each other and then as a whole class. London bombings, 9/11, the holocaust, Nice attacks. Discuss what you think happened for people to think they could justify committing such a terrible thing.

12 What factors or feelings might lead people to get involved in terrorism or violent extremism?
Hand out profile of a radicalised boy for pupils to read (one between 2). Pupils work in a pair to discuss the question on the board. They can make notes around it. Whole class discussion. Possible answers could include: Alienation/a lack of sense of identity or belonging Demonising of others as different, leaving people feeling separate and/or insecure Defending their culture, way of life or beliefs Sense of injustice regarding the treatment of their culture or beliefs or their life situation Pressure or influence from violent extremist groups, including through social media Dehumanisation – indifference to violence through violent games, radicalisation process dehumanising ‘others’ Sense of purposelessness Lack of understanding of faith Lack of critical assessment of information / fiction vs reality Poverty, unemployment, lack of education and the promise of a better life

13 How can we avoid believing everything that we see/hear/read?
Be aware of the difference between people who are charismatic and people who are knowledgeable? Don’t believe everything you are told without questioning it and looking for other sources. Remember that the media does not always tell the truth? Know that video games are rarely reality. Always think about whether you trust somebody. Pupils can read this slide.

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