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PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Numerically the largest phyla and literally means jointed foot. Class: Crustacea - crab, shrimp, barnacle and lobster (Florida specie.

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Presentation on theme: "PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Numerically the largest phyla and literally means jointed foot. Class: Crustacea - crab, shrimp, barnacle and lobster (Florida specie."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Numerically the largest phyla and literally means jointed foot. Class: Crustacea - crab, shrimp, barnacle and lobster (Florida specie has no claws) 1. Jointed appendages have a variety of specialized functions 2. The body is covered by an exoskeleton made of chitin Advantage: good protection, muscles attach to it for strength Disadvantage: heavy and does not grow & animal must molt (shed) exoskeleton - becomes very vulnerable to predators & only time to mate



4 The body has 2 segments - a cephalothorax covered by the carapace and the abdomen and is bilaterally symmetrical. Meroplanktonic larvae don’t compete with adults for food; metamorphosis provides a gradual change to adult life. An open circulatory system contains a blue pigment called hemocyanin to transport oxygen from the gills to the body.

5 Unlike the red pigment hemoglobin, their blood carries copper instead of iron.
It makes an excellent medium for long-term laboratory tests because it will not support bacterial growth.

6 6. They have a ventral nerve cord with a well-developed brain and compound eyes. Well-developed nervous system 7. Gills – under carapace 8. Bottom dwelling crustaceans have appendages specialized for walking 9. Chitinous teeth in stomach for grinding 10. Separate sexes, males transfer sperm directly to female, female broods eggs then releases 11. Planktonic larvae - meroplanktonic

7 Crayfish Dissection Link

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