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North Carolina Mathematics Curriculum Standards

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1 North Carolina Mathematics Curriculum Standards
Day 1 of 6 Spring 2008 North Carolina Mathematics Curriculum Standards LEA Leadership Team Professional Development

2 Purposes of the Partners Grant
To support teaching and learning mathematics in grades K-8 To emphasize “big ideas” that ALL students need to learn in grades K-8

3 Work of the Partners Grant
Create materials that provide guidance for the quality mathematics instruction that is critical for our students Prepare LEA Leadership Teams to deliver the PD

4 Two Critical Events First, the State Board of Education has adopted new Mathematics Curriculum Standards for K-5 Second, new mathematics textbooks will be offered in for adoption for grades K-5

5 Looking Ahead Site 1 - Lincoln Heights Elementary Charlotte (June 16-20) Site 2 - Cape Fear 3-8 Campus Rocky Point (June 23-27) Site 3 - Leesville Road High School Raleigh (August 4-8) Site 4 - ERC-Educational Resource Center Fayetteville (July 7-11)

6 Looking Ahead Site 5 - East McDowell Junior High Marion (July 14-18)
Site 6 - Meredith College (make up site) Raleigh (July 28-August 1) Site 7 - Southwest Middle School High Point (July 14-18) Site 8 - White Oak Elementary School Edenton (June 23-27)

7 K-8 Mathematics Curriculum Standards
Every student in North Carolina deserves to be taught mathematics by a well-qualified teacher using high-quality materials and instructional strategies that support student learning

8 Purposes of LEA Workshops
Inform district’s K-5 teachers about NC’s Revised Mathematics Curriculum Standards and current 6-8 standards Increase the potential for greater student achievement through high quality experiences for teachers

9 Purposes of LEA Workshops
Increase teacher mathematics content knowledge Relate this knowledge to expectations in NC’s K-8 Mathematics Curriculum Standards

10 Purposes of LEA Workshops
Set stage for textbook adoption in spring 2009 & implementation of new Standards in Focus on “big ideas” that require in-depth development across grades

11 “Less is More” Approach
Identify “big ideas” and how they develop across grades Not a comparison of new K-5 standards with current ones - rather identification of important ideas for K-8 Set the stage for future professional development in summer 2009 that focuses on activities to teach specific content

12 Engage Teachers Model questioning and discussions
Think, pair, share by tables Discuss, explain, explore, extend Emphasize understanding students’ thinking (formative assessment) Assessment for learning rather than assessment of learning Done so frequently that early intervention becomes routine Not an add-on; a restructuring of time

13 Timeline for Partners Project
Spring and summer 2008 six days of PD for LEA Leadership Teams LEA Leadership Teams share PD during school year Online modules fall Summer ‘09 grade-level specific PD

14 Ultimate Goals Increased teacher content knowledge for positive impact on instruction Situate teachers to make wise decisions about textbooks Prepare to use the new Standards in the school year

15 Responsibilities of Grant
Grant will provide 6 days of professional development for LEA Leadership Teams Grant will also provide materials for all members of the LEA Leadership Teams • Leaders’ notes, blackline masters for participant handouts, PowerPoint files • Videos and text files on CDs or DVDs

16 PowerPoints Leaders’ Notes Getting Started Pages Readings Videos Resources

17 Comments on Student Work
Which student’s thinking do you feel you know the most about? Why? If this set of papers represents the class as a whole, what lesson/task might you plan next?

18 Return on the Investment
Why is it important to invest time in using student work to understand their thinking and then plan “next steps” in instruction? What are the advantages in working with colleagues to plan tasks, examine student work, and plan future instruction based on what you observe?

19 Role of LEA Leadership Teams
Being prepared is the key: content, facilities, handouts (more information and discussion this summer) Guiding discussion in professional development

20 Video on PD Discussions
Source: Dynamic Classroom Assessment professional development materials Focus on how leader is interacting with participants After video: List advice given in the video that will be important for you

21 Locations and Dates Refer to your handout for locations
Meredith site, July 28, includes make-up Daily summer schedule 8:30 - 8:45 Check in 8:45 – 11:45 Morning Session 11:45-1:15 Lunch 1:15 – 4:15 Afternoon Session

22 Looking Ahead LEA planning - when and who
Expectations beyond ‘seat time’ Arrange for CEU credits for you and your participants Five full days of professional development Bring notebook and handouts; computer

23 Looking Ahead Further opportunities for professional development with Partners school year • On-line guided explorations • Quick surveys • Follow-up meeting - January 10, 2009 Summer focus on specific grade -level implementation PD school year - On-line support

24 Looking Ahead Records for the project
• Surveys to evaluate materials and the professional development we provide • Surveys to document the professional development you lead Accounting for your participation • Readings and web activities tracked through your personal code on-line • Responses to survey questions

25 Looking Ahead Bring your copy of the 2008 Mathematics Curriculum Standards to summer PD

26 Looking Ahead “Homework” • Finish reading the Van de Walle interview
• Read through all grade level expectations: pay attention to the development of ideas • Identify objectives you don’t understand • Attend to Goal 6; read Charles monograph

27 Looking Ahead When homework is complete, log into the Partners web site to complete the survey and document your time Log into the “course” where you will attend days two through six

28 Documenting your Work Save this link:
Be certain you always use your personal code when you respond Check website periodically for information as we try to support this partnership

29 DPI Mathematics Staff Everly Broadway, Leanne Barefoot Robin Barbour
Carmella Fair Chief Consultant Donna Thomas Mary H. Russell Johannah Maynor Partners for Mathematics Learning is a Mathematics-Science Partnership Project funded by the NC Department of Public Instruction. Permission is granted for the use of these materials in professional development in North Carolina Partner school districts. Partners for Mathematics Learning

30 PML Consultants Amanda Baucom Julia Cazin Anna Corbett Gail Cotton
Ryan Dougherty Tery Gunter Kathy Harris Joyce Hodges Karen McCain Vicki Moss Kayonna Pitchford Ron Powell Susan Riddle Judith Rucker Shana Runge Kitty Rutherford Penny Shockley Pat Sickles Nancy Teague Bob Vorbroker Jan Wessell Carol Williams Stacy Wozny

31 PML Writers Ana Floyd Jeane Joyner Rendy King Katherine Mawhinney
Gemma Mojica Elizabeth Murray Wendy Rich Catherine Stein Please give appropriate credit to the Partners for Mathematics Learning project when using these materials. Permission is granted for their use in professional development in North Carolina Partner school districts. Jeane M. Joyner, Project Director

32 2008 Mathematics Curriculum Standards
LEA Leadership Team Professional Development Day 1 of 6 Spring 2008

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