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UCAS Reference Writing

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1 UCAS Reference Writing
Hannah Pollard- Admissions Manager (Progression) UCAS Reference Writing Tips for Schools and Colleges

2 Centralised Admissions Team
General admissions information Centralised Admissions Team Selectors with particular course specialisms All applications read at least twice Reference as part of holistic process Reference important for context

3 Information about your school or college
Short introductory paragraph that includes: URL to school or college website Not essential but sometimes helpful General contextual information performance in recent years Information about recent results performance against Level 2 & 3 measures Subjects on offer to your students Further Maths? BTECs? Typical pattern of qualifications taken 3 A levels and an EPQ? Information about staffing Disruption to a relevant subject area?

4 Information about your student- academic
Reason for chosen subjects/qualifications Performance subject by subject How performance is matched against peers Notable performance in recent tests/exams Areas of significance: prior attainment and predictions Comments on any project qualifications Aptitude for study at a higher level Academic skills and qualities

5 Information about your student- general
Notable aspects of education & residential history Motivation, attendance, contribution, attitude Notable experiences that don’t fit in the statement Any disruption to studies/mitigating circumstances Impact of a disability or learning need Student’s career goals Would you recommend this student? What type of student would they be?

6 Writing Academic References
Kay Carpenter Senior Admissions Officer – Music, Writing and Performance 22 November 2018

7 Common Mistakes & How To Avoid Them
The following is designed as a guide to the most common mistakes we see in Admissions every day. It may help to bear these in mind when you write a reference. 7

8 Important Information to Include
Details of your school or college and the subjects offered or not offered. Honest opinion about the student’s progress in their chosen subjects. Details about anything which may have affected the student’s attainment. Suitability for the course applied for. 8

9 Check the qualifications
When an applicant is applying with combinations of Level 3 qualifications, make sure they have quoted the correct ones. This is really important when applicants are studying BTEC and CTEC awards or other Level 3 qualifications. Applicant applied with : A level Music HND Performance HND Sport Aged 17, having completed 1 year in college 9

10 Check the personal statement
You are confirming that the details in the application are correct. Make sure you know what you are approving. Personal Statement: “…. I studies have given me me a good insight into working with people and learning about different countries and servicesto people…...” Reference states : Jane’s written communication skills are good. She is a confident communicator, has some good insights and she can express her opinions and ideas on paper clearly and confidently. 1010

11 Be realistic Make sure your comments match the attainment of the student and sound like the person you are writing about. Don’t inflate predicted grades. AS Grades Drama - D, Psychology – E and History – U Reference States: In History Jane is able to absorb a significant amount of knowledge and deploy this to show understanding of key concepts and the impact of events. She has continued to develop higher order evidence skills through her ability to analyse and evaluate sources and interpretations in their wider context. Predicted Grades Drama - B, Psychology – C and History – C 1111

12 Be specific Make sure your comments reflect the student and not just the course they have studied. Reference States: Qualification: BTEC Extended Diploma in Music Technology. The BTEC Extended Diploma in Music Technology course contains both academic and practical units. Within the submissions for each practical piece of work there is also an academic element that requires critical thinking, evaluation and planning. Modules include……. 1212

13 Are your comments relevant?
Make sure your comments reflect the qualities or skills that are necessary for the course the student is applying for. Reference States: “The course chosen by Jane suits her as she has been training in Latino dance for quite a number of years and has developed her skills extensively.” Interesting but not useful when applying for a contemporary dance course. 1313

14 Avoid Copy & Paste Don’t copy comments for multiple students, especially if more than one are applying to the same course at the same university. Reference States: “Charlotte’s attitude to study is practice-focused and theoretical, and her outlook on written and research work is very well planned and very well presented: well-presented and punctual. The Music in the Community unit has enhanced Mollie’s presentation and communication skills.” Also submitted for Matthew, Jack and Katie 1414

15 Factors affecting performance
Students often will not disclose circumstances which they feel will jeopardise their chance of gaining an offer of a place. This can cause delay and problems further on when a request is made to take these factors into account when results arrive. 1515

16 Keep a Professional distance
Don’t write references for family members or people you know, unless you have taught them and comment solely on their academic ability. Reference States : “Jane is delight to know and has integrity and good character. Her presence lights up the room and I am privileged to know her personally. She is very attractive and a bubbly personality who is extremely popular and has lots of friends…..” 1616

17 And Finally…… Most of these mistakes will rarely result in an application being rejected. However, it will normally result in delay for the applicant and can result in decisions being made from incorrect information which will come to light later on. Most Admissions staff never meet the applicants they assess. We rely on referees to give us a clear picture of the applicant and the information that is relevant to them. 1717

18 Any Questions? 1818

19 Thank You 22 November 2018

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