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About the scheme of work:

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2 About the scheme of work:
We researched lots of different schemes and felt the Islington scheme of work, You, Me, PSHE gave the best coverage and was most up to date It is PSHE Association Quality Assured It provides primary schools with a clear and progressive PSHE curriculum which can be used as given The PSHE subject leader can also adapt it to fit alongside individual curriculum maps Within each strand, there are age appropriate topics for the different year groups One topic per half term is taught to each year group (SRE is taught over a whole term in Y2, 4 and 6) Each topic consists of three lessons per half term and teachers are expected to teach a minimum of three lessons in each half term Each PSHE lesson includes an overall learning intention and specific learning outcomes (based on knowledge and understanding, skills and the development of attitudes)

3 Programmes of study by strand:
Sex and relationship education(SRE) Drug, alcohol and tobacco education Keeping safe and managing risk Mental health and emotional wellbeing Physical health and wellbeing Careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing Identity, society and equality


5 Year group overviews

6 Visual overviews

7 Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme of Study

8 Topic plan

9 Format of lesson plans:
Learning intention and learning outcomes Ground rules Assessment reminder (first and last lesson) Hook activity Introductory activity Main activity Closing activity Suggested teaching resources Differentiation Children’s literature to support the topic Help, advice and support

10 Additional teaching packs and lesson plans


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