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Programming for Visually Impaired Learners

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1 Programming for Visually Impaired Learners
Alex Hadwen-Bennett

2 Challenges for VI Learners
Block-based programming languages are inaccessible to learners with visual impairments. Many programming environments are not fully accessible. The complex syntax of many text-based languages can be problematic. VI learners often struggle gaining an overall understanding of their code.

3 Physical Programming Languages
Physical programming languages use physical blocks to represent commands, these blocks can be connected together to create programs. Are they accessible to VI learners?

4 Project Torino

5 Aim To address the exclusion of children with visual disabilities from learning programming skills in primary school.

6 Basics Programming Concepts
Sequence Iteration Selection Variables Each pod in Torino is a statement in the program. We begin children by connecting play and rest pods to understand that a program is a sequence of statements that executes in order. We then introduce iteration, selection, and finally variables. One of the great things about a physical language is that we can focus the children’s attention on tracing their program as it executes so that they really understand the relationship between their code and the output program, something the literature has shown is problematic in visual languages, such as scratch, in which the children are so focused on the outcome that they do not engage in the code itself.

7 Scheme of Work Lesson Topic and Objective NC Ref(s) Key Terms
Activities Resources Consolidation 1 Topic: Sequencing Objective: Be able to design a simple program using a sequence of instructions. 2 Sequence Instruction Program Create a human program to play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Introduce the Play pod. Create a simple sequence. Instruction cards set 1 Design a sequence of instructions for an everyday activity e.g. getting ready for school. Topic: Parameters Objective: Be able to develop programs that use parameters. 1, 2 Parameter Follow a human program that uses parameters. Recreate a program that plays Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Plan and create an original program. Instruction cards set 2 Identify the parameters in a given program. 3 Topic: Debugging Objective: Be able to identify and fix simple bugs in programs. 1, 3 Bug Debugging Debug broken Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star program. Introduce Pause instruction pod. Create program from code card and customise it. The teacher introduces a bug to the program which students need to identify and fix. Code card Locate and suggest fixes for bugs in a given program. To help primary school teachers, teaching assistants, and parents – who may know little or nothing about computing – use Torino with their learners, we have created a child directed scheme of work. This provides a graded introduction to concepts along with activities and challenges that the students can do. We also provide a detailed set of teacher’s notes to help teachers prompt students thinking with useful questions.

8 Torino Demo

9 Text Based Programming
Torino is an inclusive alternative to block-based programming languages such as Scratch. In secondary school children need to learn to program in a text based language. The most common language used in schools is Python. There are many potential barriers for VI children learning to program using text based languages.

10 BBC micro:bit A programmable board used in many schools.
Can be programmed in Python. Can be programmed to generate sound and music. For further details visit:

11 3D Models It is common practice for computing teacher to use diagrams, graphics or animations to illustrate complex concepts. Many of these concepts can also be represented using 3D models, making them accessible. For example I created this 3D printed binary ruler to enable VI children to learn how binary numbers work.

12 Tips for Educators Physical programming languages may be a suitable alternative to block-based languages. Many concepts can be taught with the aid of 3D models. Choice of text-based language is important, languages with simple syntax are recommended (Python, Ruby, Quorum). Use an accessible programming environment. Can be helpful to provide printed code samples in Braille or large print. Choose a suitable theme that is relevant for VI learners.

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