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Currents, Tides, Waves.

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Presentation on theme: "Currents, Tides, Waves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Currents, Tides, Waves

2 Surface currents – move horizontally or parallel to the earth’s surface
Created by Winds

3 Coriolis Effect- The shifting of ocean currents and surface winds from their expected paths caused by the rotation of the earth

4 Gulf Steam – ocean current in the northern Atlantic ocean, brings warm water from Africa to the Americas

5 Upwelling – a vertical circulation in the ocean that brings deep, cold water to the ocean surface. Winds carry surface water away from the continents and leaves a void at the coast. This void is filled by deep cold water being pulled upward.

6 Density Current – gravity pulling more dense water downward, density increases if salinity increases or temperature decreases.

7 Wave – a rhythmic movement that carries energy through matter or space
Parts of a wave Trough- the lowest part of a wave Crest- the highest part of a wave Wave height - a measure from the lowest point to the highest point

8 Wave diagram

9 How are waves formed? Wind blows across the surface of the water, the wind energy is transferred to the water If the wind energy is high enough it piles up the water – “white caps” more wind energy creates higher waves

10 Tides Tides are the rise and fall of sea level due to the gravitational pull of the moon

11 Special tides Spring Tide – when the sun, moon and earth are all lined up in a row. High tides are high, low tides are lower Neap tide – when the moon earth and sun are at a 900 angle. High tides are lower and low tides are higher


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