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Welcome to our Afternoon Tea

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Afternoon Tea"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our Afternoon Tea

2 Overview of the afternoon.
What is Jigsaw? Why are we using it? What does a Jigsaw Lesson look like? Time to look through some of the stories we will be using and lesson plans.

3 PSHE (Personal Social Health Education) Curriculum.
What is Jigsaw? Jigsaw is a planned programme of learning that we are using to provide opportunities for our pupils to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to manage their lives now and in the future. PSHE (Personal Social Health Education) Curriculum. This curriculum works in conjunction with lots of other aspects of our school life. Assemblies, themed weeks, special days, charity work, enterprise, British Values, real life events in the news and the individual needs of the children in each tribe here at Longton.

4 We have a statutory responsibility to promote pupil ell-being and pupil safeguarding. PSHE plays an important part in fulfilling all of thee responsibilities. We want our curriculum to: Promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental, physical development of our pupils To prepare our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. To promote British values. (rule of law, democracy, individual Liberty, mutual respect, tolerance of different faiths, cultures and beliefs) We feel Jigsaw supports our ethos and values in everything we are trying to teach our children.

5 Emotional Literacy Mindfulness PSHE Social Skills Growth Mindset
Jigsaw brings together Emotional Literacy Mindfulness PSHE Social Skills Growth Mindset

6 Mindfulness This is being able to observe your own thoughts and feelings as they happen, in the present moment, applying no judgement. We are teaching the children to understand their thoughts and feelings through the lessons and the Calm Me time.

7 We are your new Jigsaw friends!

8 Each class has their own Jigsaw character.
These characters help the children learn all about PSHE That’s about you as a person, how you get on with other people, how to stay healthy, and lots more to keep you safe and help you learn.

9 There are 6 puzzles to work through
one each half term. Being Me in My World Celebrating Difference Dreams and Goals Healthy Me Relationships Changing Me

10 Being Me in My World Sense of belonging Welcoming others
Being part of a school community Wider community Global community Children’s rights and responsibilities Working and socialising together Pupil voice.

11 Celebrating Difference
Similarities and differences Disability Racism Power Friendships Conflict Right to ‘difference’ Bullying – what it is and isn’t this includes cyber bullying and homophobic bullying.

12 Dreams and Goals Hopes and dreams Goals for success Personal strengths
How to overcome challenges via team work skills and tasks. Experience and managing feelings of pride, ambition, disappointment, success. Share their aspirations, the dreams and goals of others in different cultures/countries Their dreams for the world.

13 Healthy Me Emotional Health Physical Health
Relaxation, being safe, friendships, mental health skills, body image, relationships with food, managing stress Physical Health Balanced diet, physical activity, rest and relaxation, keeping clean, drugs and alcohol, being safe, first aid.

14 Relationships Families, friendships, pets and animals, love and loss.
Key part is about safeguarding and keeping children safe Cyber safety, social networking Attraction and assertiveness Their own strengths and self esteem Explore families and stereotypes

15 Changing Me (science curriculum links)
Growing from young to old, becoming a teenager Assertiveness, self respect and safe guarding. Self and body image, puberty, accepting change Looking ahead, moving up to new classes/schools Life cycles, how babies are made How people and bodies change.

16 A Jigsaw Lesson

17 Please teach me to… Identify a dream/ambition that is important to me.
Imagine how I will feel when I achieve my dream/ambition.

18 Please teach me to… Identify a dream/ambition that is important to me.
Imagine how I will feel when I achieve my dream/ambition.


20 Connect us Game

21 Close your eyes or fix them at a point in front of you.
Calm me Sit comfortably. Close your eyes or fix them at a point in front of you. Breathe gently. Listen to my voice.

22 Open my mind How might this situation be solved?
What feelings do each of these people feel? What do you see in the picture? Open my mind

23 Tell me or show me What do they think about the situation?
Act out in your group this scenario. The lead character is someone who is a bystander (watching it happen). What do they think about the situation? How might they feel? What might they do?

24 Let me learn Share your story with the rest of your table.
Write down a list of hurtful words and the reasons these might have been said on the large sheet of paper. Discuss the situations using ‘solve it together’

25 Let me learn

26 Help me reflect Write a few sentences describing an obstacle or frustration you have faced and how you overcame it.

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