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Robust Learning in Culturally Relevant Algebra Problem Scenarios

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1 Robust Learning in Culturally Relevant Algebra Problem Scenarios
Candace DiBiano Department of Science and Math Education University of Texas at Austin

2 Find the Pain The White-Black Achievement Gap on NAEP Math
*Graph depicting White-Hispanic achievement gap is similar

3 Teachers in Austin have cited Cognitive Tutor Algebra problem scenarios as being “silly,” “dry,” and irrelevant to their freshman inner-city minority students. During observations of Cognitive Tutor classrooms, words in the problem scenarios like “factory” or “rainforest” confounded some students (minority freshman rarely discuss these topics in their everyday speech). Research Question: Will we see improved minority engagement and learning in Cognitive Tutor Algebra software problems when we apply personalization through culturally relevant problem scenarios instead of the current problem scenarios?

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