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2 pic/Hawaii/

3 Marshall Isles

4 Climate change on ultra-long time scales (tens of millions of years) are more than likely connected to plate tectonics. Plate motions lead to cycles of ocean basin growth and destruction, known as Wilson cycles, involving continental rifting, seafloor-spreading, subduction, and collision. Several explanations of the latest cooling trend that involve a climate-tectonic connection Geographic Distribution and Size of Continents Geometry of Ocean Basins Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide continental collisions: Through greater erosion and chemical weathering mechanisms, it has been hypothesized that the tectonically driven uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas is the prime cause of the post-Eocene cooling trend

5 Greensand Beach (top) and Blacksand beach (bottom)


7 Continents on the Move, Alfred Wegener's (1912) one supercontinent and one superocean, Origin of Oceans and Continents, Continental Drift Tethys Sea




11 Photos/index2.html Dr. Liu


13 Napali Coastline and Sandunes, Kauai
The colossal beauty of the Napali Coast. Douglas Peebles Napali Coastline and Sandunes, Kauai


15 Kawela Bay, Oahu North Shore
Kawela Bay is a mellow patchwork of rugged beaches, manicured farm plots, an occasional resort, picturesque bliss Near Turtle Bay Kawela Bay, Oahu North Shore



18 Beach Sand, Big Beach, Makena, Maui
Phot courtesy, David Watersun Beach Sand, Big Beach, Makena, Maui

19 Dave Bjorn Photo courtesy


21 Shore-parallel type development, Honokowai, Maui
Shore-parallel type development, Honokowai, Maui. Maui Kai and Mahana Condominiums. Revetments front both condominiums

22 awareness that insufficient construc-
tion setback regulations and associated construction too near retreating shorelines in Maui County, Hawaii, exacerbated beach loss and increased risks to life and property. Results of this work included the development of new, more effective erosion rate-based construction setback rules currently under adoption by Maui County, which will reduce beach loss and risks to life and property awareness that insufficient construc- tion setback regulations and associated construction too near retreating shorelines in Maui County, Hawaii, exacerbated beach loss and increased risks to life and property. Results of this work included the development of new, more effective erosion rate-based construction setback rules currently under adoption by Maui County, which will reduce beach loss and risks to life and property too near retreating shorelines in Maui County, Hawaii, too near retreating shorelines in Maui County, Hawaii, too near retreating shorelines in Maui County, Hawaii, exacerbated beach loss and increased risks to life and exacerbated beach loss and increased risks to life and exacerbated beach loss and increased risks to life and property. Results of this work included the development property. Results of this work included the development property. Results of this work included the development of new, more effective erosion rate-based construction of new, more effective erosion rate-based construction of new, more effective erosion rate-based construction setback rules currently under adoption by Maui County, setback rules currently under adoption by Maui County, setback rules currently under adoption by Maui County, which will reduce beach loss and risks to life and which will reduce beach loss and risks to life and which will reduce beach loss and risks to life and property property property

23 Less linear type development, Royal Kahana area, Kahana, Maui
Less linear type development, Royal Kahana area, Kahana, Maui. Note sandbagging is limited to the corner portions of the structure closest to the ocean

24 Beach Nourishment at Sugar Cove, Spreckelsville, Maui
Beach Nourishment at Sugar Cove, Spreckelsville, Maui. Before and after small-scale beach nourishment project implemented entirely with private funding. Above photo taken June 1996; below photo taken October 1997


26 Vegetated dune, Kanaha, Maui
Vegetated dune, Kanaha, Maui. Naupaka shrub and 'aki'aki and pohuehue (with purple flowers) ground cover at center, 'aki'aki (sparse ground cover) in background

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