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Dr. Ashley J. Stevens President, Focus IP Group, LLC

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1 Dr. Ashley J. Stevens President, Focus IP Group, LLC
WIPO’s Enabling Intellectual Property Environment Project Topic 4: Key Functions of a Tech Transfer Office Tehran, Iran December 9-10, 2017 Dr. Ashley J. Stevens President, Focus IP Group, LLC

2 The Functions of a Tech Transfer Office
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran The Functions of a Tech Transfer Office External In the community Internal Within the Institution Inside the TTO

3 WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran
External Role The TTO is the university’s bridge to the commercial world A connection between two very different cultures Will need to interpret each to the other Should spend some time outside the institution Industry forums Policy forums Buidling networks

4 External / Internal Role
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran External / Internal Role Should have a travel budget Attend tech transfer meetings to establish connections and understand what others are doing AUTM Annual Meeting AUTM Asia ASTP Attend industry forums E.g., BIO

5 WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran
Internal Role Tech transfer must become the “go to” place for all IP matters Source for all types of IP agreements The educational resource for IP Expert on Iranian IP laws and regulations Familiarity with global IP laws and policies WIPO National IP offices Familiar with global tech transfer practices Developed economies Emerging economies

6 WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran
Internal Role Tech transfer must seek every opportunity to educate and proselytize the benefits of Tech Transfer Senior management VC / President Trustees? Colleges Deans Faculty Important to capture and publicize every success Early successes will be relatively minor Patent issuances Collaborative research agreements with companies Start-up company formation

7 Tech Transfer Office Operations
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Tech Transfer Office Operations Broadly distinguish: Management / Licensing Support In U.S., roughly 1:1 Reality is likely to be that initial TTO is one person plus psrt time support!

8 Licensing Role of licensing personnel is to complement faculty
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Licensing Role of licensing personnel is to complement faculty Not to compete Defer to faculty on technical issues Help faculty think through the applications of the technology Licensing people must be an inch deep and a mile wide Have to deal with a vast range of technologies Broad areas of division: Life sciences Physical sciences IT

9 Licensing Two philosophies
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Licensing Two philosophies Cradle-to-grave Same individual manages from disclosure through licensing Sometimes including post license administration Specialization Evaluation group Marketing group Transaction group Post-agreement management group Reality is that in early days, likely to be a single person with part time support person

10 Support Records Management Financial Management
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Support Records Management Financial Management

11 Napoleon Bonaparte and / or Frederick the Great
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Databases “An army marches on its stomach” Napoleon Bonaparte and / or Frederick the Great

12 Databases “A technology transfer office marches on its paperwork”
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Databases “A technology transfer office marches on its paperwork” Ashley Stevens

13 Technology Transfer Operations
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Technology Transfer Operations Technology transfer is a business of many, many details Invention disclosures Interactions with faculty Interactions with co-owners Evaluations Patent applications Patent prosecutions Foreign patent applications and prosecutions Marketing License negotiations License administration We drown in paper Good record keeping is key There are systems to help

14 Deadlines There are important deadlines all the time
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Deadlines There are important deadlines all the time Patent filing deadlines Some are irreversible E.g., One year deadline to convert U.S. provisional application to utiity One year deadline to file foreign counterparts 30 month deadline to enter National Phase Some trigger cost increases Responses to office actions Paying maintenance fees

15 Deadlines There are important deadlines all the time Option deadlines
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Deadlines There are important deadlines all the time Option deadlines Exercise of Option License deadlines Payment due dates Licensees must stay current on payments I never failed to collect money that was owed DFCI or BU Knew when it was due Continuously pursued Due diligence deadlines May need to start process to terminate license

16 Record Keeping Good management of paper records is important
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Record Keeping Good management of paper records is important Negotiating histories Signature originals of agreements Originals of issued patents Fireproof safes for signature originals Two/three-hole punch files for negotiating histories and prosecution histories Preserve chronological order

17 WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran
Record Keeping Good management of electronic records is equally important Develop a systematic numbering scheme so that records sort in the right order automatically Label versions by date and author U of XXX Commercial database systems available show “at a glance” status Use one Don’t try to develop your own!

18 WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran
Financial Management Technology Transfer is a business of many, many financial transactions Patent expenses Need to be tracked by case So that licensees can reimburse To budget accurately License Income Also need to be tracked by case Distribution will be specific to each case Recovery of unreimbursed expenses Inventors Other institutions Departments within the institution

19 Commercial Systems Inteum Knowledge Sharing Systems Wellspring
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Commercial Systems Inteum Knowledge Sharing Systems Wellspring

20 Oldest OTL database system
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Oldest OTL database system Originally developed by the Washington Research Foundation Spun off in 1993 Market leader

21 TechTracS Developed for NASA
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran TechTracS Developed for NASA

22 Wellspring New kid on the block Sophia
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Wellspring New kid on the block Sophia Bought Flintbox Developed by U. of British Columbia OTL Technology marketing service “Shrink wrap” software license transactions Manages the AUTM GTP

23 Other Tools and Resources
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Other Tools and Resources Market research Frost & Sullivan World’s leading multi-client study market research firm Offer good deals for universities $10,000/year minimum $5,000/year for each additional module BU’s OTD bought healthcare plus chemicals/materials School of Management bought a comprehensive package

24 WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran

25 Other Tools and Resources
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Other Tools and Resources Market research Thompson-Reuters World’s biggest business “raw” data provider Thomson One is a great market research resource Collects analysts reports BU’s School of Management has a subscription Foresight Science and Technology T2+2 Summaries of studies done by Foresight $5,000 Schools of Management and Economics have many valuable business resources

26 Other Tools and Resources
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Other Tools and Resources Deal Terms Covered in Valuation talk Databases are expensive ReCap $7,500/year LES Surveys very helpful $300 annual membership

27 Other Tools and Resources
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Other Tools and Resources Customer Relationship Management Many institutions use Inteum includes a CRM module

28 Questions?
WIPO EIE Project -- Tehran Questions?

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