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World War II Review.

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1 World War II Review

2 Treaty of Versailles—What happened?

3 What was the 14th Point? Placed full blame of World War I on Germany
German economy collapsed President Wilson’s Fourteen Points mostly ignored What was the 14th Point?

4 FASCISM is... A way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

Organized veterans and discontented Italians in the the Fascist party (coined the term Fascism) Latin word fasces meaning a bundle of sticks wrapped around an axe Promised end to corruption restoration of Roman greatness Improve economy and army

March on Rome 30,000 fascists forced the King to make Mussolini the leader Il Duce, “The Leader” (eel-doo-che)

Jailed opponents Censored the press Outlawed political parties

8 GERMANY – ADOLF HITLER High school dropout WWI honored soldier
Failed artist Joined small group who believe that the Treaty of Versailles was destroying Germany called National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NAZI) German Fascism Formed the Brown Shirts or Storm Troopers Hurt those who opposed Hitler

9 GERMANY – ADOLF HITLER Der Fuhrer – The Leader (FOO-rer)
Attempted to imitate the March on Rome Found guilty of treason 5 year sentence Served 9 months Wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) in jail. Included theories of living space and Aryan superiority

Conservatives made him Chancellor Book burning Hitler took over creation of literature, art and press Kristallnacht—Night of Broken Glass November 9, 1938 Pogroms against Jews 91 killed, 30,000 arrested and sent to concentration camps

Book burning Hitler took over creation of literature, art and press Kristallnacht—Night of Broken Glass November 9, 1938 Pogroms against Jews 91 killed, 30,000 arrested and sent to concentration camps

12 Fascism Vs. Communism Similar to Communism Different to Communism
Denies individual rights No democracy The state is supreme Different to Communism Fascism does not care about the “classless society” Strong should overpower the weak

13 Soviet Union—Stalin v=e_2of8pmHYU

14 Appeasement Appeasement:
giving into the demands of an aggressor in order to keep the peace The Munich Agreement Germany would receive the Sudetenland, and promised Germany would not take further land from Czechoslovakia

15 Sudetenland

16 DATES TO REMEMBER Occupied Czechoslovakia
3/13/1939-Germany violated Munich Agreement Occupied Czechoslovakia 9/1/1939-Germany invaded Poland, which initiated WWII in Europe 9/3/1939-Great Britain and France declare war on Germany

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