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Connect. Any Way You Want…in Education

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Presentation on theme: "Connect. Any Way You Want…in Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connect. Any Way You Want…in Education
Communications technology, at its best, is transparent, allowing people to interact and share information as feely and naturally as they do in person. When that happens there is NO DISTANCE – and no difference – between here and there. Polycom is changing what it means to be CONNECTED. Tomorrow’s Classroom TODAY! Old school New school Instruction Construction Teacher-centered Learner-centered Teacher as expert Teacher as collaborator/Teamwork in action by design Student as learner Student as collaborator Facts and Memorization Inquiry and invention Drills and practice Communication/expression Connect. Any Way You Want…in Education

2 Polycom for Education E-Rate approved items: Any iPower
Any CODEC Any MCU Any iPower Any ViewStation Smart 3000i Web Office, GMS MGC Products Voice Products Vortex Advanced Audio What is E-Rate? A Federal Program to fund Billions of $$ for Educational Technology, Internet access and Telecomununications. Detailed information is located at: Polycom’s Comprehensive E-Rate Guide: Eligible Components are located at:

3 The Polycom Classroom Core Components
Polycom Classroom opener. Note to Speaker: “This will allow for the shaping of a conceptual model for the suite of Polycom products. By breaking the Polycom office into three distinct pieces.” The pieces: ONE: User terminals; These take the form of any of our terminal products, starting as simply as our web office client moving into our telephones both desk set and conference room, or any of our either PC or Appliance based Video communications terminals. Two: Media Processing. This means Bridges and Gateways. Polycom leads the industry in unified conferencing media processing. From low cost high function unified conferencing work group solutions like the MGC-25 up and through our highly scalable and redundant Audio, Video, and unified conferencing platforms like the MGC-50 and MGC-100. Three: Server software. Software is used to shape your deployment. The product or combination of products you chose is optimized according to your specific deployment needs. Polycom server software products can cover any environment, from remote education conferencing up and through highly complex service provider networks. Scheduling, Management, Web Conferencing, and Call processing are all options within the suite of software products designed for the Polycom Office.

4 Delivering Solutions You’re in good Company
…trusted by our customers. Partners for complete success, not Vendors! For Global Education Application Profiles:

5 Delivering Solutions US Navy Problem: Solution: Result:
Too few qualified instructors for number of facilities Increase student throughput Reduce student travel expenses Improve quality of instructional design Solution: +60 ViewStation FX, MGC, Classroom Packages Result: Greater than $20 million cost avoided with Polycom Equipment US Navy Information-Very Protected information, contact Russ Colbert at for more details.

6 Bob Advant Technology Director Region 13
Delivering Solutions Region #13 Texas Problem: Balance of Education Quality across entire region Execution of Advance Placement classes across district Additional content to enrich math & science curriculum Reduction of staff Solution: +45 ViewStations, VoiceStations, MGC and GMS Result: Cost and time savings. Increased student performance and equal quality instruction achieved Bob Advant Technology Director Region 13 Reference Customer: Please click on the above picture for “User Profile” Region #13, Texas. To contact this location, please call Mr. Bob Avant, Technology Director, Region #13. User Profile located at:

7 Delivering NEA Solutions
National Education Association Problem: Reduce travel while improving promotion of educational technology in each State Easily influence Policymakers nationwide with the effectiveness of Educational Technology Share success with National Communities Solution: Polycom ViaVideo with Internet Connection and Small Classroom Solutions Result: Increased awareness and implementation nationwide Andrew Noyes Exhibit Coordinator National Education Association Please click on the above picture for “User Profile” Tech Making the Grade is a user friendly Technology exhibit at NEA’s headquarters in Washington, DC. Tours via the Internet can be achieved by visiting Physical visits can be made by calling or Video ISDN calls can be made to Video IP calls can be made to Purpose is to show schools to implement into their content

8 Delivering Remote Learning Solutions
University of Notre Dame Problem: Providing high quality MBA location based instruction anytime Providing non-degree business instruction globally Increase enrollment without decreasing interactivity Solution: Polycom Classroom Solutions with touch control and automatic camera/mic operations Result: Increased enrollments while maintaining ND quality of instruction and interaction! University of Notre Dame, Reference Customer, Bill Brewster, , Desire: to provide the highest quality of degree and non-degree training (Executive MBA) and Business to a Global Market

9 School-to-School Agile Learning
Delivering Solutions Cooperating School Districts – Missouri Best Statewide Cultural Exchanges and Content Problem: Educational Equity across entire State Solution: Polycom Classrooms Result: Increased grades, excitement and enrichment of content School-to-School Agile Learning Reference Customer Cooperating School Districts, State of Missouri, Customer Reference, Martha Bogart/Ruth Block, , This network is both ISDN and IP Martha Bogart, CSSD Assistant Distance Learning Coordinator Click for Video

10 Bill Johnson Director Network Operations
Delivering Solutions OK OneNet Problem: Statewide spending far too expensive for outdated telecommunications technology Solution: Implemented Polycom Family of Products for 1,000 School Locations - total network of 2,000 locations! All locations H.323 with Unlimited Global Management System (GMS), iPower, ViewStation and MGC solutions Result: Efficient State operated Network for all applications – increasing quality of life for OK citizens and conserving limited resources click for video Bill Johnson Director Network Operations Reference Customer OK OneNet- Please click on the above picture for “User Profile” This location can be used as a reference. This is a complete IP deployment Statewide. Point of Contact: Bill Johnson and Mark Bryan, , IP video

11 Summary of Highlights and Next Steps
Polycom provides the best “student teacher experience" in real-time communications with the most comprehensive suite of easy to use products for Educational networks. The Polycom Classroom is a complete Solution! Easy to use transparent technology Dedicated education staff We are your partner not a vendor! Next steps?

12 Resources and Assistance
Education Web Site Content Provider List Available upon request E-Rate Guide

13 Connect. Any Way You Want…in Education
Communications technology, at its best, is transparent, allowing people to interact and share information as feely and naturally as they do in person. When that happens there is NO DISTANCE – and no difference – between here and there. Polycom is changing what it means to be CONNECTED. Tomorrow’s Classroom TODAY! Old school New school Instruction Construction Teacher-centered Learner-centered Teacher as expert Teacher as collaborator/Teamwork in action by design Student as learner Student as collaborator Facts and Memorization Inquiry and invention Drills and practice Communication/expression Connect. Any Way You Want…in Education

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