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6th Grade Gifted Science

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1 6th Grade Gifted Science
Betsy Penn| C and E Periods| Deerlake Middle School

2 Classroom Expectations
Be present and prepared everyday! Respect all others in the classroom. Follow safety procedures during labs. Turn in work on time. Quality is important. If you don’t have time to do it correctly, you must have time to do it again! Work cooperatively, respecting the opinions and input of others.

3 Materials and Textbook
Binder with paper and a pencil should be with you everyday in class. Bell Ringers Notes and Textbook Pages Labs Textbook pages will be torn out by the chapter and books will not leave the classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they have their pages when needed. At the end of a unit, we will clear the binders. Please keep textbook pages at home once they come out of the binder. They can be used to study for midterms and finals. Summarize your research in three to five points.

4 Grading Categories and Weights
Tests/Quizzes 40% There are few tests, due to the length of the units. Quizzes will be given throughout a unit. Study guides provided for tests. Labs/Other Assessments (Projects) 30% All labs have an accompanying recording sheet. These will be graded. Expectations are shared before hand. Any formative assessments that check for understanding. Classwork/Homework 30% Lesson Outlines Vocabulary Boxes Bell Ringers

5 Questions Science Class? Science Fair? Gifted Track?
High School Credit?

6 Betsy Penn| C and E Periods| Deerlake Middle School
Thank you for coming!! Betsy Penn| C and E Periods| Deerlake Middle School

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