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Spelling lesson 25.

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1 Spelling lesson 25

2 elect Verb to vote for The General Assembly elected Ban-ki Moon for the secretary general of the UN.

3 election Noun a process in which votes are made to finalize a choice
We held an election at Cairo

4 tense Adj. if something is tense it’s very pressuring
The test was tense

5 tension Noun The pressure under someone or something
There was a lot of tension in 5s

6 react Verb to act after an action happened
I sometimes react aggressively

7 reaction Noun The action taken when an action took place
Reactions should be equal to actions

8 confess Verb To admit I confess my mistakes

9 confession Noun The admittance Isabela has a confession to make

10 decorate Verb To make something look nicer or more wonderful, mostly by adding colorful objects I decorate my copybooks in green

11 decoration Noun What is being used to decorate
The decoration for Christmas are stunning

12 contribute Verb To give away {money particularly} to achieve a goal
Mobinil contributed 3,000,000,000$ to hospital 75357

13 contribution Noun The money being contributed My contribution is huge!

14 express Verb To reveal (a thought or feeling) in words or by gestures and conduct Singers express feeling through song or music

15 expression Noun the action of making one's thoughts or feelings known
The expression on Maria’s face was priceless

16 imitate Verb Mimicking Isabela imitates her friends

17 imitation Noun The act of mimicking Imitation is terrible!

18 connect Verb To link Delia connected to WI-FI

19 connection Noun The actual link between things
The connection between singers is Awesome!

20 admire Verb To think of someone as your mentor or guide
I admire Selena Gomez!

21 admiration Noun The love felt for someone I admire Selena Gomez!

22 THE RULE: When you add [tion] or [sion] to a word it’s pronounced sh like shop and the verb changes to a noun EX: Admire Admiration verb noun

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