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Welcome to 2nd Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 2nd Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 2nd Grade

2 Daily Schedule 8:20-8:30 Morning Work 8:35-9:45 Wonders Reading
9:50-10: SRA Reading 10:50-11: Writing 11:20 – 11:50 Lunch 11:50 -12:25 Computer Lab 12:25 – 1:20 Specials 1:20 – 2:20 Math 2:20- 2:40 Social Studies/Science 2:45 – 3:10 Recess

Please read daily. *Stars show notes home or a special message. Students are required to have the agenda book signed by parent M-F. *Please write the title of the AR book currently reading.

4 Supplies We are well supplied with pencils and notebooks, glue and crayons. Thank you. Class snacks Treasure box items Wrapped candy, Party favors ***We need headphones for our class computers

5 Curriculum We follow Florida Common Core Standards which is found on the county website. Students will take three iReady Assessments which will determine growth in learning in the areas of reading and math. ELA the main focus is on grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. Math focuses on basic fact fluency, place value, time, problem solving, addition/subtraction of 4 digit numbers, measurement and basic geometry. Quarterly projects usually focus on Science or Social Studies.

6 STEM in the classroom Uses creativity and problem solving
Matches our unit of study All Parents are invited to lead an activity.

7 LNS Volunteers Field Trip Chaperones
Must be approved by School Board Sign up in front office All Parents must renew each school year.

8 Field Trips Florida Studio Theatre Riverview Planetarium
Venice Audubon Center Earth Day Movie Sea World Plus Others…

9 AR This 1st quarter is only 10 points
I will be asking you to assist setting your child’s 2nd quarter AR goal. Must pass with at least 80% Books must be within your child’s reading level May take AR tests before 8:30 or during lab or after classwork is completed Sign up to receive your child’s progress reports

10 AR Rewards If your child reaches his/her goal for the quarter, your child will be invited to our classroom celebration. Celebrations include dance parties, pizza parties, ice cream socials, and more. Your child will be invited to school wide celebrations if his/her goal and at least an 80% is reached. We also have in class incentives.

11 Homework Packets will go home every Thursday. These will be due the following Thursday. The assessments in English Language Arts will be on Thursday’s and Friday. The packet format changes every week due to the skills being taught.

12 Tests If your child receives below an 80% on a test, please sign and return the test. They will have time with me to review and the opportunity to retest.

13 Grading Policy

14 and My SCS Sign up on Parent Portal for grades and AR for reports. Will link to MySCS Enter your child’s N# and Pin# Go to textbooks Go Math Textbook Reading Wonders Science Fusion Text

15 Fall Festival Friday, October 6thth (5-8)
Our class will have a Poke the Pumpkin game. Donations are needed. Volunteers are needed to help run this booth. We will also have a basket . All proceeds will go into our classroom account.

16 Home/School Connections
Sign up for Class DoJo me at Write a note in your child’s agenda.

17 PTO Help our classroom earn $$$$$$$$
Please join the PTO by filling out their information sheet and submit it as soon as possible. We have the best PTO in the World!!!

18 Thank you for coming. Questions??

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