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Patient information: Research study taking place today

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1 Patient information: Research study taking place today
NHS Patient information: Research study taking place today Risk prediction for acute kidney Injury in acute medical admissionS in the uK : The RISK study This unit is taking part in a research study that is being conducted in a number of admission units across the UK. The aim of the study is to develop better ways of identifying patients who develop a sudden reduction in kidney function (called acute kidney injury) during their time in hospital. To do this, researchers will collect information from the hospital records of all patients who are admitted to this admissions unit over a 24hr period. All information will be stored securely and will be anonymised so that individual patients cannot be identified. No additional information other than that which is usually obtained as part of normal clinical care will be collected. The research study has been approved by an NHS research ethics committee, and patients will not be routinely asked for their consent to collect information as above. However, if you do NOT wish your information to be collected in this way, please inform a member of the nursing or medical team. If you have any questions relating to this study, we can arrange for you to talk to a member of the local RISK research team (details below). Local study team: to be completed by each participating site Chief investigator: Professor Lui Forni (University of Surrey) Sponsor: Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust

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