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The PlantPure Communities

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1 The PlantPure Communities
Restaurant Campaign A PowerPoint designed to explain the Restaurant Campaign, with a step-by-step guide for Pods wanting to initiate the Campaign in their community!

2 The Restaurant Campaign (RC):
Goal:. To get every restaurant across America (and the world) to offer at least one plant-based and oil-free option on their menu. The RC aims to translate a typical conversation with a waiter into a menu change, so that others seeking a healthy alternative can also order and enjoy a plant-based, oil-free option.

3 Identifying Candidate Restaurants:
Restaurants may be more willing to participate in this campaign if: They are local You are a ‘regular’ customer They have made you a plant-based option in the past They are a small to medium sized restaurant It is family owned They care about health food trends The owner is vegetarian/vegan/plant-based, etc. Restaurants may be less likely to change their menu if they are a big food chain or if they are extremely busy.

4 Resources for Pod Members
Key documents to review and print out before you approach a restaurant: Action Sheet: Implementation Strategies for the Restaurant Campaign Info Sheet: Tips for Speaking with Restaurants Action Sheet: The PlantPure Communities Restaurant Campaign - Getting Started

5 Resources for Restaurant Owners
Key documents to print out and give to the Restaurant Owner/Manager (located on PPC’s website, under Resources > Toolkits > Restaurant Campaign Toolkit): Info Sheet: WFPB Diet Explained for Restaurant Owners/Managers Info Sheet: Plant-Based Cooking with No Oil for Restaurants Action Sheet: Restaurant Certificate

6 Tips for Designing a Meal
In order to show the Restaurant owner/manager how easy and inexpensive it would be to make to make this adjustment, use these tips to create a plant-based, oil-free meal: Review the menu for entrees and side dishes which animal- based meat, dairy, and eggs might easily be removed Look for: baked potatoes/sweet potatoes, brown rice, steamed vegetables, salads, veg soups, and plant-based protein options such as tofu, tempeh, and seitan Create a meal out of appetizers and side dishes Ask for sauces to add flavor: balsamic vinegar, tahini, lemon and lime juice, miso, low sodium soy sauce, and marinara (w/o cheese)

7 Applying for a Certificate
Restaurants are encouraged to apply for an official PPC RC Certificate if they offer one or more meals that contain no animal products and no oil. This must be indicated on the menu, possibly with a symbol or asterisk. Who Can Apply? A Restaurant owner or manager can apply for the certificate, as well as a Pod member or restaurant customer. If you are not the owner/manager, please request their name and address to use when filling out the application. Note: It is okay if a restaurant indicates that a dish can be made plant-based and oil-free. It is also okay if these options are indicated on an electronic menu.

8 Using HappyCow and Other Apps
It is important to write reviews about plant-based friendly restaurants, especially those participating in the RC. Good reviews will assist other diners looking for plant-based options. Contribute: Download the HappyCow app (and others) and write supportive reviews. Submit a request to add veg-friendly restaurants to Happy Cow. Writing Reviews: optimal length is words and should include: A title (e.g. “WFPB-Healthy”, “5-Star Vegan”, etc.) and the number of stars Info about the type of restaurant and how easy it is to order WFPB options Suggest your favorite dishes to order and modifications you make Other Apps/Websites: Yelp, Trip Advisor, Open Table, Vegman, VeganXpress

9 Thank you for helping us change the world one restaurant at a time!
Please refer to the Restaurant Campaign Toolkit on PlantPure Communities’ website for more detailed information ( #WhatWeEatMatters

10 Important Links and Information
All Restaurant Campaign inquires: Get Connected! Restaurant Campaign Facebook Group: Group Leaders Facebook Group: PlantPure Communities Facebook Page: RC Toolkit:

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