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FY 2016-17 Approved Budget.

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Presentation on theme: "FY 2016-17 Approved Budget."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY Approved Budget

2 Approved Budget The President’s Proposed Budget was presented to the Finance Committee and approved. The Proposed Budget included: Funding for all approved positions, budgeted for their full year, with increases for known salary increases such as negotiated COLA, Year-In-Rank and Step adjustments. Funding for all anticipated Supply and Services expenditures, based on prior year budgets and historical analysis. Student Success Initiatives as developed and presented previously Additional budget adjustments and strategic investment initiatives as reviewed and approved by management The Proposed budget meets the ending fund balance target as established by the Finance Committee, and is in line with the financial pro forma and Retrenchment targets. No changes were made by the Finance Committee in approving the Proposed Budget The Approved Budget is presented to the Southern Oregon University Governing Board for Adoption.

3 Budgeted Operations

4 Budgeted Operations

5 Budgeted Operations

6 Budgeted Operations

7 Budgeted Operations

8 Budgeted Operations

9 Other Fund Type Categories Designated Operations

10 Other Fund Type Categories Auxiliary Operations

11 Auxiliary Operations cont.

12 Auxiliary Operations cont.

13 Questions

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