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Understanding the Basics

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1 Understanding the Basics
Communication Understanding the Basics

2 --Daniel Webster, American Journalist
“ If all my possessions were taken from me with one exception, I would hope to keep my power of communication --- for by it I would regain all the rest.” --Daniel Webster, American Journalist

3 1. Define communication 1.1 Define
Communication must include both the transference and understanding of meaning.

4 1.2 Functions of Communication Four major function:
Information Control Motivation Emotional expression

5 1.3 the Communication Process Seven parts:
the communication source encoding the message the channel decoding the receiver feedback

6 1.4 Direction of Communication
Downward Upward Lateral/ Horizontal Spiral/ Diagonal

7 1.5 Interpersonal Communication
Oral communication Written communication Nonverbal communication

8 2. Organizational Communication
2.1 Formal small-group networks Chain Wheel All- channel

9 Communication Networks
Wheel All Channels Chain

10 2.2 Informal networks a. cluster chain (the grapevine) b. gossip chain c. probability chain d. single strand chain


12 three main characteristics:
the grapevine three main characteristics: First, it is not controlled by management. Second, it is perceived by most employees as being more believable and reliable than formal communique issued by top management. Third, it is largely used to serve the interest of the people within it.

13 For employees, the grapevine is particularly valuable for translating formal communications into their group’s own jargon.

14 2.4 Barriers to effective communication
Organizational Structure Difference in Status Lack of Trust Closed Communication Climate Incorrect Choice of Medium Message Complexity Message Competition Physical Distractions

15 Barriers Contd. Filtering Selective perception Information overload
Gender styles Emotions Language Communication apprehension

16 Implications for managers:
Use multiple channels Use feedback Simplify language Listen actively Constrain emotions Use the grapevine

17 Feedback Feedback has three main functions: Assurance Adjustment
Insight Assurance Adjustment Insight

18 Use feedback Focus on specific behaviors Keep feedback impersonal
Keep feedback goal oriented Make feedback well timed Ensure understanding Direct negative feedback toward behavior that is controllable by the recipient


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