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SWORPS Basic Training 101 Welcome to the Sworps portion of The 2013 Summer Symposium. I am Don Kenworthy, your Technical Support.

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Presentation on theme: "SWORPS Basic Training 101 Welcome to the Sworps portion of The 2013 Summer Symposium. I am Don Kenworthy, your Technical Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWORPS Basic Training 101 Welcome to the Sworps portion of The 2013 Summer Symposium. I am Don Kenworthy, your Technical Support.

2 Verification Page This is the way it used to look!
This is the way the Verification Page used to look. The purpose of the Verification Page is to provide the data enterer an easy way to check who is currently enrolled in the center. This allows students who are no longer attending the center to be quickly terminated en masse. Terminated students’ records will still show up on reports for the time they attended that center.

3 New Verification Page The Verification page now allows you to promote grade levels! The verification page now also lets you promote student’s grade levels easily.

4 To promote the grade level, select the grade from the drop down selection box. You can move from student to student and the grade will save automatically.

5 Terminate a Participant
Click on the checkmark under the enrolled column To terminate a student, click on the checkmark under the enrolled column.

6 A Pop-up box will appear to enter the termination date and reason.

7 Click on save and wait for the successful termination prompt.

8 It will become an edit box where you can enter the correct number.
To correct a student ID number , click on the number (or blank in the case of a missing ID) under the Edit State Id Column. It will become an edit box where you can enter the correct number. The verification Page also allows the data enterer to correct State-Issued ID’s easily. To correct a student ID number , click on the number (or blank in the case of a missing ID) under the Edit State Id Column. It will become an edit box where you can enter the correct number.

9 Wait for the successful entry prompt to appear
Wait for the successful entry prompt to appear. Move on to the next student.

10 Enrolling/Adding a New Student
To enroll a new student, click on Add/Edit Attendee from your menu on the left. Select your Grantee and Center where the student will be attending.

11 Enter the information in spaces provided
Go to the Name/ID Information Box and enter The information in spaces provided

12 Click on Add Attendee Click on Add Attendee

13 Note: Clicking on the shaded areas allows you to :
Re-check entered information Go back to the previous page Go to a blank page to enroll another student, or Return to the Center’s Attendee List Wait until the Successful Entry prompt is displayed. Note: Clicking on the shaded areas allows you to : Re-check entered information Go back to the previous page Go to a blank page to enroll another student, or Return to the Center’s Attendee List

14 Re-enrollment If the student has been enrolled previously in 21stCCLC (Either in your center or another center or grantee), You can easily enroll them by selecting Re-Enroll Attendees from the left menu.

15 You can search for the student by name or State-Issued ID number
You can search for the student by name or State-Issued ID number. Hit search

16 Select the student you want to enroll
Select the student you want to enroll. There may be more than one listing for that name.

17 Enter your grantee and center Enter the enrollment date.
Click on submit changes. Enter your grantee and center Enter the enrollment date. Click on submit changes.

18 Mass Fill Participation
Here we are going to talk about Mass Fill Participation. The purpose is to be able to enter several students into the same activity on a given day. To See all enrolled students, Click on “Show All” from the drop down menu.

19 To select students who have attended the same activity, click on the blank box to the left of the student(s) name(s)

20 Scroll down the page to View/Print Participation Sheet.
No that we have selected our students to enter participation for, Scroll down the page to View/Print Participation Sheet with Optional Date. Click on the icon on the right, under the Edit column. This will take you to the Mass Fill Participation Page. Scroll down the page to View/Print Participation Sheet. Click on the icon on the right, under the Edit column. This will take you to the Mass Fill Participation Page.

21 First choose a Family, then Choose an Offering, and finally choose the sub-offering from the Drop-down Menus. Now that we have reached the Mass Fill Participation Page, we are ready to select our activity. To Select our specific activity we go to the top of the page and first choose a Family, then Choose an Offering, and finally choose the sub-offering from the Drop-down Menus.

22 To enter the time, we enter the participation spent in the activity into the time box, and the corresponding date in the date box at the top of the Student List. In our example we have selected the Family of Academic Assistance, the Offering of Academic Enrichment, and the Sub-Offering of Reading Language Arts. So we will be entering participation time in for Reading/Language Arts for a particular day. To enter the time we enter the participation spent in the activity into the time box, and the corresponding date in the date box at the top of the Student List.

23 Click on the links Fill Time Into Fields and Fill Date Into Fields.
Once we enter the time and date into the boxes above the student list, we need to click on the links Fill Time Into Fields and Fill Date Into Fields. I our example we entered 1 hour for 3/01/2013. When the links are clicked, you see that the time is entered next to each student’s name. Voila!

24 Always Click after Data Entry!!!
If a student is absent or leaves early that day, you can change the time of the participation prior to saving the data. NOTE: If a student is absent or leaves early that day, you can change the time of the participation prior to saving the data. When finished entering the Time and Date for the activity, Remember to Click on Save Participation Records. If you do not click on this, the data will not be entered into the record. Always Click after Data Entry!!!

25 Wait for the Successful Entry Prompt to appear
Wait for the Successful Entry Prompt to appear. This assures you the data was saved. The Data is not entered until this box shows.

26 Arbitrary Grouping Arbitrary Grouping allows you to make a grouping of students who always participate in an activity. This can be particularly helpful if you are running a summer program in addition to a school year program. For instance, your 4th, 5th, and 6th graders attend photography, while K-3 attend Arts & Crafts. Classes can be set up by selecting students. Then go to Show Arbitrary Grouping and click on it.

27 Then Click Add New Grouping.
Go to the Empty Box at the bottom of the Area, and enter the class name. Then Click Add New Grouping. Go to the Empty Box at the bottom of the Area, and enter the class name. Then Click Add New Grouping. I a summeer school situation you could enter: Summer School and add all the summer school students OR Summer – Math and enter students attending summer school math

28 Go to the Center/Class Administration Page;
Scroll to Arbitrary Grouping; Select the class you want from the Drop-Down Menu; and, Click on show group. Now, when I want to select the students in my groupings, like photography or Summer School, I go to the Center/Class Administration Page; go to Arbitrary Grouping; Select the class I want from the Pull Down Menu I have created, and click on show group.

29 Click on the icon under the Edit Column
Then I go to The View/Print Participation Sheet With Optional Date Box and click on the icon under the Edit Column.

30 And this takes me to the Mass Fill Page where I choose the activities from the activity drop-down menus, and complete as normal.

31 And I save the Participation Records.
I can then go back and enter other Arbitrary groupings (like Arts and Crafts) from the Center/Class Administration page, or enter several days of this groups activities by just changing the date.

32 Participation Report The Participation Report can be used to check if your participation was entered correctly. Go to the bottom of the Center/Class Administration Page and select Participation Report. In 21st Century database, you will be taken directly to the Participation Report Page. In LEAPS database, you will be taken to a Reports Parameters page (see next)

33 The report will show the data that has been saved for the requested time frame. It groups by student, then activity, then date. The report can be quite lengthy. For instance; this report of 23 students, with five activities daily for eight days is 18 pages long. We suggest exporting the data into EXCEL or Word for easier handling.

34 There are four stages in preparing for the Annual Performance Review.
Stage 1: The center should get set up in PPICS with their Grantee Profile(for the APR data) and with SWORPS, entering the Grantee Center information, and activities (for participation data) Stage 2: The center should begin serving the students. They should track enrollment and participation in the SWORPS database. Make sure the students are flagged in the State Database. The centers should change the grade levels of their students, verify the student enrollment, and terminate students that are no longer attending the center. Stage 3: Once the enrollment is complete for the year, The SWORPS team will take the participation data, the State DB data, and the PPICs data and format it for the APR. The centers should use Mass Fill and Arbitrary Grouping Techniques to help. And the Final Stage: After SWORPS has uploaded the information to PPICS, the centers should enter Objectives, Teacher Surveys, and Partners data in PPICS. Confirm all PPICS data areas.

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