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Welcome to Team Dashboard

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Team Dashboard"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Team Dashboard
Welcome to Team Dashboard. Team Dashboard gives team leaders and the entire team a simple way to learn about their strengths, build stronger relationships, and improve team dynamics. Each team member sets up their own profile, opening a door to explore our unique strengths, and communication preferences. Team Dashboard personalizes the development experience by driving relevant insights to each participant. When used in a team context, Team Dashboard creates a team profile so that everyone can learn to best work with every member.

2 Agenda Review of Team Dashboard Operating Agreements Team Objectives
Interaction Style Self- Awareness – Who am I? Interaction Style in Our Team Team Awareness – Who are we? Team Pulse Facilitator Note: Review of Team Dashboard As the leader, you will be walking your team through the Matrix Insights Team Dashboard. Review this agenda with everyone, as you begin. Operating Agreements How do you want to operate as a group during this session? What rules do you want to adopt to make this as rewarding an experience for you and your team, as possible? Ask: Thinking about the most effective and rewarding meetings / trainings you’ve ever been in, how did the group agree to behave with one another that helped make it so effective? Possible answers: No cell phones or technology, respect, no side conversations, confidentiality, trust, being fully engaged and present, participation etc. Note these and get everyone’s agreement to adhere to these operating agreements. Team Objectives What do you, as the leader want your team to get out of this session? Build better relationships, improve communication, increase self-awareness, improve influencing skills? Put those here. Interaction Style Self- Awareness – Who am I? In this section, participants will learn about themselves and their own style. Interaction Style in Our Team Team Awareness – Who are we? In this section, participants will learn about the styles of others and how they interact with their own style. Team Pulse Team Pulse is a built-in micro-survey that lets you and your team participate in providing feedback around the 16, scientifically researched dimensions of high performing teams. This will give you, as the leader, invaluable data, overtime, about the health of your team and areas that require your focus and attention.

3 Learning Objectives Knowing each other’s style Improving Communication
Building Effective Relationships Building trust Resolving conflict This is slide where you innumerate the objectives for your team, e.g. Build better relationships, improve communication, increase self-awareness, improve influencing skills? Put those here.

4 Interaction Styles

5 Stand Up If You Almost Always…
…talk to people you don’t know on airplanes, in bathrooms and at the store. …live by the motto “show me the data!” …think three steps ahead. …ask too many questions. …get excited by the idea of getting to negotiate with the car salesperson. …organize the clothes in your closet according to color. …feel guilty if you think you are going to let someone down. …have to make a list of things to do. …have to pick someone to “race” when you are driving to down the highway. Say - Now I’m going to read you a series of statements. Please stand up if they are almost always true. Then sit down. (You will need to remind people to sit down in between). Note: Each statement will appear after the next mouse click. The point of this exercise is to begin to get the participants to understand that we naturally do things that others don’t do. Things that come naturally to us are not necessarily natural to others.

6 Activity: Who Am I? In the Personal Insights Tab In the Snapshot view
Read over your “Snapshot” by clicking on the “View” button In the Snapshot view Click on “Self-Portrait” Read your “Self-Portrait” Write down some words or phrases that you think describe you best? Switch to the Team Dashboard Have the participant’s login to their Matrix Insights Dashboard (If they have not already). Follow the directions on the slide and have the participants read their “Snapshot” and then their “Self-Portrait”. SAY: What do you notice about your Snapshot? What words or phrases seem to resonate with you? What’s not quite right? Have them write down their answers The Objectives Get the learners involved in their preference Have them start learning about themselves Have them start using the Dashboard

7 Activity: Your Interaction Style
Pair up and spend a few minutes chatting with another participant about these questions. What are the strengths of your style? What are the weaknesses of your style? What are three things that make working with your style easier? One misperception about your style is... What do you want others to know about your style? Group Discussion Your Interaction Style Activity Have the participant’s pair up and spend a few minutes chatting with another participant about these questions. What are the strengths of your style? What are the weaknesses of your style? What are three things that make working with your style easier? One misperception about your style is... What do you want others to know about your style? Lead a group discussion and have participants share their answers and experiences.

8 Interaction Style Dynamics

9 Interaction Style Dynamics
Chart-the-Course In-Charge Behind-the-Scenes Get-Things-Going Responding Informing Communications Directing Initiating If you are still not sure if this style is your “best fit” think about this. “If you are still unsure if you are a Chart-the-Course or a Behind-the-Scenes, think about these questions: When you communicate are you more inclined to be Directing (e.g. telling, directing, giving only the outcome desired) AND Do you tend to use a Responding style (wait for others to speak first, think and reflect before answering) Then you are likely a Chart-The-Course When you communicate are you more inclined to use an Informing style? (Give a lot of context around why you need something done, give reasons and solicit buy-in) AND Do you tend to use a Responding style? (wait for others to speak first, think and reflect before answering) Then you are likely a Behind-The-Scenes “If you are still unsure if you are an In-Charge or a Get-Things-Going style, think about these questions: When you communicate are you more inclined to use Initiating Communications? (Start conversations with new people, be the first to answer or give an opinion) AND When you communicate are you more inclined to use an Informing style? (Give a lot of context around why you need something done, give reasons and solicit buy-in) Then you are likely to be a Get-Things-Going When you communicate are you more inclined to be Directing? (e.g. telling, directing, giving only the outcome desired) Then you are likely to be an In-Charge

10 Your Relationships

11 Activity: Relationships & Communication
In the Development Tab, Explore the “Development Areas” of Building Relationship and Effective Communication for your own style pattern. Relationship Questions What does it tell you about how you work together with other styles? How will you resolve conflicts that arise from your differences? Communication Questions How will you “flex” your communication style when you interact with others? Which of the insights is the biggest hurdle for you when you communicate with others? Switch to the Team Dashboard Have the participants follow the directions on the slide. In the Development Tab, have the participants explore the “Development Areas” of Building Relationship and Effective Communications for their own style pattern. Relationship Questions What does it tell you about how you work together with other styles? How will you resolve conflicts that arise from your differences? Communication Questions How will you “flex” your communication style when you interact with others? Which of the insights is the biggest hurdle for you when you communicate with others?

12 Building Relationships/ Effective Communication: Action Plan (OPTIONAL)
Identify one person with whom you would like to build a better relationship and one person with whom you would like to improve your communication. On the Team Not on the Team Identify 3 action steps you want to take to improve your relationship with this person. Be prepared to share your plan with them 1:1 later. Add this Development Area to your Action Plan Building Relationships/ Effective Communication: Action Plan (OPTIONAL) Identify one person with whom you would like to build a better relationship and one person with whom you would like to improve your communication. On the Team Identify 3 action steps you want to take to improve your relationship with this person. Be prepared to share your plan with them 1:1 later. Add this Development Area to your Action Plan Add one you are willing to share with the group Lead a group discussion

13 Our Team

14 Teamwork Talents Energy Awareness Mastery
Great teamwork using Interaction Styles requires working with Talents, Energy, Awareness and Mastery

15 Activity: What Makes A Great Team?
Think of a great team experience - one in which the team accomplished something. What made it a good team experience? Ask the question on the slide and flip chart their responses, just to start the conversation. You can discuss as full group, in pairs, or in sub-groups. Sample Responses: We trusted each other We had a variety of skills and utilized them well We had a clear, common goal We built on our differences We cared about one another We communicated frequently and well We had good leadership

16 Activity: Who am I? Who Are You?
Share the answers to these questions with your teammates: Out of all you explored in your Interaction Style profile, what 3 things do you want your teammates to know most about you? What in the descriptions really doesn’t fit, so you want your teammates to not assume that about you? Who am I, Who are you? Exercise Share the answers to these questions with your teammates: Out of all you explored in your Interaction Style profile, what 3 things do you want your teammates to know most about you? What in the descriptions really doesn’t fit, so you want your teammates to not assume that about you? Lead a team discussion

17 Activity: (OPTIONAL) Who Are We Together?
View your Team Mapping under the Team tab, then discuss: Which Interaction Styles are represented? Which role preferences are represented? Which communication preferences are represented? Which ones might be overused? What ones are missing? How can you fill in for what is missing? Who is in the minority so may not get listened to? Activity: (OPTIONAL) Who Are We Together? Switch to the Team Dashboard Switch to Team Dashboard  Read the directions on the slide View your Team Mapping under the Team tab, then discuss: Which Interaction Styles are represented? Which role preferences are represented? Which communication preferences are represented? Which ones might be overused? What ones are missing? How can you fill in for what is missing? Who is in the minority so may not get listened to?

18 Teamwork: How Do These Styles Impact The Way We Work Together?
What insight does this provide for improving the way we partner in our work? Recognize your own Interaction Style preferences as a style vs. “the way to do things” Discuss ways we can “flex” to another Interaction Style Recognize when conflict or frustration is a result of style vs. substance Teamwork: How Do These Styles Impact The Way We Work Together? Wing each other’s style help to improve the way we partner in our work? Recognize your own Interaction Style preferences as a style vs. “the way to do things” – In other words – don’t assume your way is the right way or the only way – collaborate. Discuss ways we can “flex” to another Interaction Style. Can I alter the way I deliver information or receive information to better suit your style? Can I talk more in “your language?” Recognize when conflict or frustration is a result of style vs. substance. We are saying the same thing, just in a different way OR Can I hear the message even if I wouldn’t typically deliver it that way?

19 Staying Engaged How will your team review its progress? How often? Beginning of periodic meetings? What do you want to discuss and review? What Dashboard functionality can assist? Staying Engaged Brainstorm these questions with your team: How will your team review its progress? How often? Beginning of periodic meetings? What do you want to discuss and review? What Dashboard functionality can assist?

20 Wrap Up

21 Key Takeaways What did you learn? Aha! moments? Key Takeaways
Go around the group and ask each participant to answer What did you learn? Aha! moments?

22 Thank You

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