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Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

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1 Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
LAWS : Location Accuracy based on Wireless Signals Master Project Defense Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

2 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Outline of the talk Introduction Background Related Work Design Implementation Performance Evaluation Challenges faced Lessons learnt Future Work Conclusion 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

3 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Introduction Need For Location Accuracy Disaster/Security, e.g. E-911 Better Direction Geo-Fencing Geo-Locking 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

4 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Background GPS information – Latitude , Longitude Wi-Fi derived location information Utilize the GPS locations of Wireless access points (AP) BSSID can be used to identify uniquely the signal of an AP. By correlating the strength of three AP signals we can estimate the location of a Wi-Fi receiver. Make sure you understand GPS signal and what it provides. There are other timing information besides Long/Lat. r example, the GPS signal in space will provide a "worst case" pseudorange accuracy of 7.8 meters at a 95% confidence level.  11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

5 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Signal Degrading over Distance and Trilateration Free Space Path Loss - characterizes how the wireless signal degrades over distance (following an inverse square law): Trilateration 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

6 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Related Work Improve GPS Positioning Accuracy with Context Awareness [Huang,2008] Our work used only latitude and longitude values not the behavior of the context. Task remainder based on location [Lin and Hung, 2014] Utilized the GPS and Wi-Fi information like the mac address added to the database but not the distances. Validating crowd sensed data using image processing [Talasila, 2013] Our work differs by using GPS and Wi-Fi information. The defense should focus on your work not others. Related work is necessary but try to focus on three key ones. In each paper, you should add a sub-bullet item discuss how your research differs from theirs or how you utilize the research. 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

7 Location Accuracy Based on Wireless Signals
Assumptions End user must have Android Studio installed to deploy the application. We assume that there are no hackers trying to change or spoof the GPS and Wi-Fi location information. The Android applications that are developed serve the Android smart phones or tablets which have Minimum SDK API 15 : Android (Ice cream Sandwich) LAWS System is provided to Smart phone GPS application for determining the user location. Wi-Fi application for providing the user location based on Wi-Fi and geolocation information. What is” have minimum API 15” ? 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

8 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
LAWS Design Design and develop Android app to compute the geolocation info of the receiver based on Google Client API and Location Manager API Design and develop Android app to collect Wi-Fi signals based on Wi-Fi Manager API. Design and develop Trilateration algorithm for calculating the geolocation of the receiver based on the available Wi-Fi signals Check the API names. 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

9 Evaluate Accuracy of Geolocations Computed by LAWS Software
Nine points in UCCS Alpine Soccer Field are chosen May want to mention how these points and location are chosen. 1. GPS signal works only on outdoor. 2. Soccer field easy to locate landmarks and painted patterns. 3. There are Wi-Fi base station close by (perhap identify them in this map too) 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

10 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Implementation LAWS GPS Android Application LAWS Wi-Fi Android Application Location – Geo location -Google Client API Wi-Fi Manager Wi-Fi trilateration Technologies used : Android Studio 1.5 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

11 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
LAWS GPS Application Latitude and Longitude value is determined by using the Location Manager and Google Client CPI Add valuable and related info. Information density is low here. 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

12 LAWS Wi-Fi Application
Mac Address of Wifi Base station Frequency in MHz Distance in meters Signal to Noise Ratio Add other fieldnames include S/N Ratio, distance?, SSID SSID 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

13 Geolocation Determined with Wi-Fi Trilateration
11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

14 Pseudo code of GPS Smart Phone application
Passing Lat, Lng values Pseudo code of GPS Smart Phone application Adds marker to the map along with lat, lng values Make the code as big as possible. Move title to the upper left. May highlight important API function calls/properties. Such as addMarker(). With arrows ro some short callout box explanation. 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

15 Pseudo code for Wi-Fi Scan
Distance calculation using Free space path loss Pseudo code for Wi-Fi Scan Scanning of Wi-Fi Base stations Retrieves Mac Address, Signal to noise ratio, frequency, SSID 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

16 Pseudo code for Wi-Fi trilateration
Based on three distances and three Wi-Fi base stations GPS information LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy 11/22/2018

17 Performance Evaluation
GPS Sample for Alpine soccer field Wi-Fi Sample for Alpine center High end Precision data for Alpine center 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

18 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Error values 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

19 Average and Variance of nine points with 90 samples
11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

20 Average and Variance of nine points
11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

21 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Analysis Results Accuracy of GPS derived geolocation is 75% better than those of Wi-Fi derived information based on the 90 samples that were collected for the Smart Phone Data. Based on the nine values of the smart phones geolocation data, the performance of the GPS is 50% better than the Wi-Fi derived information. 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

22 Offset Deviation in Google Earth surprise finding!
Collecting the High Precision Data for these points View should be self-explained. I cannot understand what the viewgraph is about by looking it alone. Add some key word why it is challeged. 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

23 Offset Deviation in Google Earth surprise finding!
Selected locations displayed as Pins by Google Earth Same for this one. Use proper title! 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

24 Difficult Bug in Wi-Fi Code
If the ex, ey ( unit vectors )are not determined properly it doesn’t generate the expected value. Same for this one. Use proper title. 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

25 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Lessons learnt Wi-Fi API and Google Client API are very useful. Android programming using Android Studio is easy to learn. It is challenging how to develop a user friendly application. 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

26 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Future work Design and develop E-911 Service Integrate with Geolocation Verification Service.   Provide real-time geolocation service 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

27 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Conclusion Designed and implemented system for Location Accuracy based on Wireless Signals Provide user location information through GPS Application Provide user location information through Wi-Fi application Conducted experiments to investigate the location accuracy based on Wi-Fi and GPS information and LAWS systems results show that GPS approximately 50% more accurate than Wi-Fi. 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

28 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
References Jiung-yao Huang, Chung-Hsien Tsai, “Improve GPS Positioning Accuracy with Context Awareness”, Ubi-Media Computing, First IEEE International Conference, Pages 94-99, July 31 – Aug Chi-Yi Lin & Ming-Tze Hung, “A location-based personal task reminder for mobile users”, Pages , Personal and Ubiquitous Computing archive, Volume 18 Issue 2, February 2014. Manoop Talasila, Reza Curtmola, and Cristian Borcea, “Improving Location Reliability in Crowd Sensed Data with Minimal Efforts”, Pages 1-8, Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), th Joint IFIP, April 2013. 11/22/2018 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy

29 LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy
Q & A LAWS/Sri Naga Jahnavi Yeddanapudy 11/22/2018

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