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Argyle Middle School 2018-2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Argyle Middle School 2018-2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Argyle Middle School

2 AMS Office Staff Scott Gibson, Principal
AMS th grade AMS Office Staff Scott Gibson, Principal Trevor Baker, Asst. Principal Kelly Zindel, Secretary Stori Mehaffey, Registrar Mary Kay Dagg, Receptionist Jessica Wade, Counselor A-L Tina Shobe, Counselor M-Z Wendy McCue, Attendance Officer Bob Mastropiero & Kiero 2

3 7th grade Required Courses
AMS th grade 7th grade Required Courses English/Reading block+ +Summer Reading Math Science Texas History Physical Education/Athletics 3

4 7th grade Courses that offer Pre-AP*
Pre-AP English/Reading block+ +Summer Reading Pre-AP Science Pre-AP Math> >Prerequisite: PreAP 6th Math (7th grade TEKS) *Requirements for Pre-AP, please refer to handout

5 Required for 7th grade - will have to choose 1:
AMS th grade Physical Education “Beginning with the school year, students in grades 6-8 will be required to participate in daily physical activity at least 30 minutes for at least 4 semesters during those grades.” -TEA website Required for 7th grade - will have to choose 1: PE -or- Athletics - have to have a physical, extra time outside of school, $75 UIL fee,no pass no play Cheerleading - tryout process 5

6 7th grade Electives Pick 2
AMS th grade 7th grade Electives Pick 2 Art Band Choir Cheerleading Theater Yearbook Environmental Science Math/Science Competition AMS News Broadcasting 6

7 8th grade Required Courses
English+ +Summer Reading Math Science US History

8 8th grade Pre-AP* courses
Pre-AP English+ +Summer Reading Pre-AP Science Pre-AP US History+ Pre-AP Math> >Prerequisite: PreAP 7th Math(8th Math TEKS) >HS credit and HS GPA *Requirements for Pre-AP, please refer to handout

9 8th grade Electives Pick 4
Athletics PE Cheerleading* Art Band Choir Dance Theatre Advanced Theatre* Spanish I+ French I+ STEM - Art Design Math / Science Competition* Yearbook* Outdoor Education - Tech Apps Environmental Science AMS News Broadcasting +High School credit and on High School GPA *tryout, audition or application process and/or certain expectations

10 Grades Advocating / Being Responsible
Family access: Students have their own account. We expect students to check grades as well. UIL Academic eligibility requirements: Remember: Beginning in 7th grade, “No Pass, No Play”

11 Student Success Initiative (SSI)
Students identified by the schools as needing remediation may be placed on a flex-time tutorial schedule or a skills class (if required by IEP). STAAR requirements Summer School possibilities

12 Attendance 90% Rule 18 absences in a year
AMS th grade Attendance 90% Rule 18 absences in a year Funding is decided by attendance 2nd period (9:35am) attendance determines our funding from the state 12

13 Attendance Medical appointments do not count against attendance if the child is present part of the day and brings a medical note for their absence. Please make certain that the attendance clerk knows when your child is absent for ALL absences.

14 Registration Information
Online Registration! You will receive a SchoolMessenger when it becomes available. New to Argyle ISD Registration: registration will open in June when school is out (check Argyle MS webpage for actual date)

15 Contact information Schedules: Jessica Wade (A-L), Tina Shobe (M-Z), Athletics: Curtis King, Band: Evan Fletcher, Theatre: Jessica Reynolds, Choir: William Griswold, Dance: Haley Martinez, Foreign Language: Kori Eubanks, Robotics: Kristi Thetford,

16 Please contact your child’s counselor or campus administrators with any questions!

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