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American Political Parties

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1 American Political Parties

2 Political Party An organization that sponsors and supports candidates for office under its label. Are they disintegrating? Becoming more vital?

3 History of American Parties - 3 Eras
Federalists and Jeffersonian Democrat-Republicans Federalists - pro-England, anti-France; active federal government supporting business Dem/Rep - pro-France, anti-England; weak federal government supporting farmers Whigs and Democrats Whigs - basically opposed to Andrew Jackson and Jacksonian policies; nationalistic and pro-business Democrats - led by Jackson; pro-agriculture interest Democrats vs. Republicans

4 Democratic Political Theory (Standard View)
Party Identification Democratic Political Theory (Standard View) American Independent Labor Democratic Socialist Southern Party Natural Law R.C.P.U.S.A. Constitution Reform Green American Tax Payer Workers World Aryan Nation Peace and Freedom American Nazi Communist Democrats Republicans Libertarian Socialist Revolutionary Progressive Liberal Conservative Libertarian Reactionary AKA “Fascist” AKA “Radical” “Communist” Ideology Moderate “Left Wing” “Right Wing”


6 Looking at Parties in Action
1. Party in the Electorate - ordinary people who identify with that particular party 2. Party Organization - active party workers, precinct captains, county chairpersons, etc... 3. Party in Government - candidates who have won in their respective parties

7 Functions of Political Parties
1. Linkage institutions 2. Recruit candidates 3. Provide a convenient label 4. Educate the public 5. Resolving conflict

8 Current Day Republican and Democratic Parties
Current day Republicans and Democrats are not really conservative nor liberal precisely. Many Republican positions are traditionally liberal, and many Democratic positions are traditionally conservative. The positions of each party are designed to gain supporters, as opposed to forwarding an ideology. Republican Winning the War on Terror Ushering in an Ownership Era Building an Innovative Economy Strengthening Communities Protecting Families Democratic A Strong, Respected America A Strong, Growing Economy Strong Healthy Families A Strong American Community


10 What is Conservatism and Progressivism?
Conservatism – Emphasis on personal freedom, personal responsibility, low (or no) taxes, limited government, lassiez faire ideology, capitalism, isolationism. Progressivism – Emphasis on civil liberties, collective responsibility, progressive taxes, government intervention (regulation and social safety nets), wealth redistribution, engagement.

11 Critical Elections Elections which drastically alter the balance of power in American politics Realigning Elections - majority party sinks to minority status and the underlying voter conditions change Converting Elections - majority party stays dominant, but the parties' conditions change

12 Conditions Leading to Critical Elections
New Issues Incompetent Party Leadership External Factors Public opinion polling Proliferation of information

13 Political Parties and the 4 Theories
Democratic theorists emphasize the linkage function of parties and note how party helps to organize alternatives for voters to facilitate their choice on election day Pluralists contend that each party is composed of a coalition of interests. Much bargaining and negotiation take place to produce- party positions that give each of the various constituent groups something of value ' Elite theorists counter that there is little difference between the parties and that both parties are firmly dedicated to corporate capitalist interests for their survival. Voters get little meaningful choice

14 A Final Note on Fascism Tendencies towards Fascism, especially in a country that has very strong corporate power, needs to be countered actively, or corporate power will naturally move a country in that direction. To this end, knowing the characteristics of fascism is crucial. The Fourteen Defining Characteristics of Fascism Powerful and Continuing Nationalism Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause Supremacy of the Military Rampant Sexism Controlled Mass Media Obsession with National Security Religion and Government are Intertwined Corporate Power is Protected Labor Power is Suppressed Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts Obsession with Crime and Punishment Rampant Cronyism and Corruption Fraudulent Elections

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