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Summary of Central Park School for Children’s Economic Diversity

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1 Summary of Central Park School for Children’s Economic Diversity
Application and Admissions Policy: 2013 -Present

2 Why? NC Charter Law: Increased Education Opportunity “with special emphasis on expanded learning experiences (and outcomes) for students who are identified as at risk of academic failure” in this case economically disadvantaged students. NC Charter Law: Must “make efforts” to reflect the local school districts’ racial and ethnic composition. Research: Closing the educational opportunity gap now closes the economic earning gap later. Intentionally diverse Schools with focused supports and structures have better outcomes for all

3 How? Year % of enrolled students qualifying for National School Lunch Program Year % of enrolled students qualifying for National School Lunch Program Year % of enrolled students qualifying for National School Lunch Program Year % of enrolled students qualifying for National School Lunch Program

4 Outcomes: #1 Demographics: Increased Socio-Economic Diversity
Gradual increase of students who qualify for the National Lunch Program , 6% % % % % % %

5 Equity of Opportunity -
How are we providing more Educational Opportunity students who need it the most? In the three years of implementation we have provided more educational opportunities: Access: Transportation service to students who would be unable to attend CPSC if not provided. Up from 4 students in 2012 to 60 in Basic Needs: Nutrition services have provided free and reduced lunches and milk for all eligible students. Up from 25 in 2009 to over 200 in Extended Learning: AfterSchool and Camp Scholarships over~$30,000 in 2014 to over $80, 000 in

6 All Children Thriving - Strategic Plans
5 Year Strategic Plan - Board of Trustees lead effort to reform and create more just, equitable school wide structures Racial Justice and Equity Training: Staff, Parents, and Board Training with Racial Equity Institute training Cultural Competence - Training and PLC work with Community Partners and Staff Leaders Restorative Practices - Improved relationships and Engagement the goal of student discipline and management systems Equity Team - Parent & Staff team focused on calling up school to improved and more equitable practices and culture

7 Next Steps & Discussion
Investigating Walk Zone option just for students who qualify for Economic Integration Priority Revising Mission, Vision and Values to focus on our commitments and beliefs for All Children Thriving New Equity focused Teacher Evaluation System from the University of Southern California Increased Mental Health supports

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