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Composition of Domestic Wastewater

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2 Composition of Domestic Wastewater
Parameter mg/L Total Solids 800 Total Volatile Solids 440 Suspended Solids 240 Volatile Suspended Solids 180 Biochemical O2 Demand (BOD5) 200 Inorganic N 22 Total N 35 Total Phosphorus 7

3 GRAYWATER: Graywater includes all household wastewater that doesn't come from toilets. baths/showers, clothes washing, dishwashers and, optionally, kitchen sinks. Toilet wastewater, and often garbage disposal waste, is called blackwater. Graywater comprises about 60% of typical household wastewater flow.

4 Toilet 6.9-24 13-37 4.1-17 0.6-1.6 Garbage Disposal 11-31 16-44
Source BOD5 TSS Total N Total P. Toilet 6.9-24 13-37 4.1-17 Garbage Disposal 11-31 16-44 0.1 Graywater 25-39 11-23


6 C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6CO2 + 6 H2O Oxygen Demand of simple organic compound
This is equivalent to 1.06 grams O2 per gram of glucose. The concentration of glucose can then be represented as an “oxygen demand equivalent” referred to as Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

7 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) exerted by during bacterial oxidation
(25 %) C C (75 %) BOD is difficult to calculate so an experimental procedure is used to measure it.


9 Time (days) Oxygen consumed 5 20 BODL BOD5 BOD5 = 2/3 BODL

10 Microbial Nitrification
If nitrogen is present, as organic nitrogen or as ammonia Microbial oxidation will occur as shown below. Microbial Nitrification

11 Although some nitrogen is used for cell production the
amount is small and can be ignored. Since nitrogen can be measured easily we can use the nitrification equation to predict nitrogen oxygen demand. This information is given by: 4.57 mg O2 per mg N

12 Besides BOD5 there are two other parameters generally used to chararacterize wastewater.
Solids Bacterial Count – Coliforms

13 1. volatile (organic) (measured by wt. loss @ 550oC)
Solids: A. Total dissolved solids (TDS) (mg/L) 1. volatile (organic) (measured by wt. 550oC) 2. fixed (inorganic) B . Suspended solids (TSS) 1. volatile (organic) (VSS) C . Total solids

14 (Dissolved and suspended solids are “operationally” differentiated by passing the sample through a filter; typically mm.). This process is shown on the next slide.


16 How can we tell if water is contaminated by human activity?
One way to test this is the coliform test. Coliform bacteria are present in very large quantities in human intestines (and in other warm blooded mammals). Therefore they appear in human waste products.

17 The presence of coliform bacteria indicates the presence of human waste. They are indicator organisms. Drinking water and wastewater treatment standards use coliform counts as a water quality parameter. For drinking water, in particular, coliform presence indicates the possible presence of water borne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, poliomyelitis.

18 Coliform concentration is measured by:
MPN multiple tube fermentation Membrane filter technique

19 It should be noted that coliforms are non-pathogenic (generally) but occur in great numbers.
Ex. 1/3 to 1/5 of weight of fecal matter = coliform bacteria. There is roughly a 5 x 106 to 5 x 108 /1 ratio between coliforms and pathogens such as those which cause typhoid (Salmonella typhosa).

A test based on the ability of coliform bacteria to ferment lactose and produce gas. ANALYSIS FOR COLIFORM BACTERIA Two main ways: I. Multiple tube Fermentation: Goal = dilution to extinction; want a statistical likelihood that a 1 ml sample will not contain bacteria Inverted tube collects gas. 1 mL 1 mL Typical dilutions water: up to 10-4 waste water: up to 10-6 1 mL dilute 1 ml H2O sample 10 10 10 10 1/ / / /10,000 1 mL 1 mL inoculate etc etc lactose broth lactose broth incubate @ 35 oC Gas found in 24 hr. in any tube Gas found in any tube in 48 hr. No Gas found in any tube in 48 hr. Doubtful Presumptive Test Presumptive Test Positive Presumptive Test Negative Presumptive Test

21 At this stage, the test for fecal coliform can be done
by inoculating a 2nd series of tubes (containing EC medium) and 44.5 oC for 48 hr. Gas found in 24 hr. in any tube Gas found in 48 hr. in any tube Note: overall, it takes 6 days to complete the test 48 hr. 48hr. Doubtful Presumptive Test Presumptive Test Positive Presumptive Test Transfer from all tubes showing gas Production Gas found in 48 hr. in any tube No gas found in 48 hr. in any tube incubate @ 35 oC Confirmed Test brilliant green lactose bile broth Positive Confirmed Test Negative Confirmed Test Completed Test Transfer from all tubes Gram stain = Gram-negative short straight rods Gram-negative bacteria have thin cell walls and a higher lipid content. showing gas production No typical coliform colonies Streak on Endo agar Streak on Endo agar Typical coliform colonies incubate 48 hr. Negative Completed Test Positive Completed Test

22 Multiple tube Fermentation (cont.)
Results: From the original serial dilutions and the number of positive tubes one can calculate using a statistical procedure the most probable number (MPN) of bacteria present in the original sample Ex # Positive MPN per 100 ml of sample:

23 II. Membrane Filter Technique
This is now the preferred method for analysis. It’s faster and can be used to analyze larger sample volumes but still has some problems. Procedure Summary: 1. Filter known volume of sample or sample dilution through a membrane filter (0.45 µ) 2. Incubate filter for 24 hours on top of a pad with appropriate medium at selected temperature. Test Medium Temperature Total Coliform M-Endo broth 35°C Fecal Coliform M-FC broth 44.5°C 3. Identify coliform colonies by characteristic color and/or metallic sheen & count them. Coliform colonies are pink to red in color with a metallic sheen.

24 Testing for Coliform Bacteria: Membrane Filtration
Membrane filter 0.45 μm pores 47 mm in diameter Filter 100 mL of water to be tested through the membrane filter

25 Membrane Filtration Add 2 mL of m-endo broth (selective media)
Place membrane filter in the petri dish on top of the nutrient pad Petri dish with sterile absorbent nutrient pad

26 Membrane Filtration: Incubation and Results
Incubate for 24 hours at 35°C Coliform bacteria grow into colonies with a metallic sheen Non-coliform bacteria may grow into but will have a different sheen and/or color 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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