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Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

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1 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen
PACT Caroline Bowen Typically used with children 3;0 – 6;0 References Resources Fixed-up-One Routine PACT Publications The Quick Screener , Quick Vowel Screener “Parent education” slide shows, etc. Assessment Quick Screener – parents observe Core Speech Assessment Battery Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

2 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen
Quick Screener Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

3 Intelligibility Rating
Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

4 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

5 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

6 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen
Background PACT is a family-centred, broad-based intervention that addresses phonemic, phonetic and perceptual aspects of SSD. 3-6 year olds; older children with cognitive challenges. Five dynamic, interacting components Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

7 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen
PACT takes into account the gradualness of phonological change in typical development, and the logistics of accessing adequate SLP/SLT services. Planned blocks, and breaks. Explicitly trained parents continue aspects of intervention in the breaks. Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

8 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen
Target Selection Phonetic, phonemic and perceptual targets. Traditional & newer selection criteria are used. Those marked “sometimes” may be used with children unable to cope with more complex targets. Contrasts may be minimal, maximal or multiple. Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

9 Intervention Procedures
Parent Education Fifty-Fifty Split Metalinguistic Training Phonetic Production Training Multiple Exemplar Training Listening lists / focused auditory input / alliterative input / minimal pair activities Homework Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

10 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen
Have a cue that means “think” …like Einstein who was a very good thinker! Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

11 Intervention Activities – Multiple Exemplar Training
These activities take place during therapy sessions with the SLT, and then go home (or to preschool / school) for “homework”. Pictures on the Freebies pages. The child is helped to do the activities. Parents are often very innovative in thinking up multiple exemplar games that suit their family “style”. Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

12 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen
1. “Point to the one I say” The child points to pictures of the words, spoken by the adult in random order or rhyming order. RANDOM: key, call, cop, tea, tall, top RHYMING: key-tea, call-tall, cop-top Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen 22 November, 2018

13 2. “Put the rhyming words with these words”
3 to 9 cards are presented e.g., seat, sell, sour, sip The child puts rhyming cards beside them, with as much help as needed. sheet, shell, shower, ship Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen 22 November, 2018

14 3. “Say the word that rhymes with the one I say.”
The adult says words with the target phoneme or structure; child says rhyming non-target words adult: “flat” child: “fat” adult: “slow” child: “sew” Child says words s/he can already say. Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen 22 November, 2018

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4. “Give me the word that rhymes with the word I say.” - NB – children are helped with all of these The adult says the non-target word, and the child selects the rhyming word containing the target sound. Adult says (names) “pole” Child selects a picture of “foal” Adult says (names) “pan” Child selects a picture of “fan” Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen 22 November, 2018

16 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen
5. “You be the teacher now! Tell me if I say these words the right way or the wrong way.” The adult says words or phrases and the child judges “right” or “wrong” “camera” / “tamera” “candle” / “tandle” “cup of coffee” / “tup of toffee” Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen 22 November, 2018

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“You be the teacher and tell me if I say this the right way or the wrong way.” camera tamera 22 November, 2018 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

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“You be the teacher and tell me if I say this the right way or the wrong way.” Look at the camera. Look at the tamera. 22 November, 2018 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

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“You be the teacher and tell me if I say this the right way or the wrong way.” I take photos with my camera. I take photos with my tamera. 22 November, 2018 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

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“You be the teacher and tell me if I say this the right way or the wrong way.” candle tandle 22 November, 2018 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

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“You be the teacher and tell me if I say this the right way or the wrong way.” Cup of coffee. Tup of toffee. 22 November, 2018 Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen

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6. “Silly sentences” The child judges whether or not a sentence is “silly”. Twinkle, twinkle little star Twinkle, twinkle little dar Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen 22 November, 2018

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7. “Silly Dinners” The adult says what s/he wants for dinner, and the child judges whether it is a “silly dinner”. I want jelly / deli I want fish and chips / ships I want green peas / bees I want a cup of coffee / toffee Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen 22 November, 2018

24 8. “Shake-ups and Match-ups”
The child is shown 4 pictures: e.g., tea-team; bee-beam The pairs are said to the child rhythmically several times. The cards are “shaken up” in a container and tipped out onto the table. The child then arranges them “the same as they were before” (i.e., in pairs). Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen 22 November, 2018

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9. “Find the 2-step Words” The child sorts near minimal pair words representing cluster vs. singleton contrasts. plane-pain plan-pan play-pay burst-Bert Beast-beat nest-net Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen 22 November, 2018

26 10. “Walk when you hear the two steps”
The child “finger-walks” two steps upon hearing a consonant cluster as opposed to a singleton consonant at the beginning of a word. e.g., the child “walks” for “true” but not “two” Copyright © 2011 Caroline Bowen 22 November, 2018

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