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Purse Seine Daily Activity Log

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Presentation on theme: "Purse Seine Daily Activity Log"— Presentation transcript:

1 Purse Seine Daily Activity Log

2 Introduction Daily Activity Log Data uses Fishing effort
Distribution of marine mammals & floating objects

3 Sampling priorities Record vessel activity continuously each day on board; Estimate total catch for each gear deployment; Collect random samples for catch composition of each set and document species retained and discarded; Describe all floating objects sighted, especially those involved in a fishing set; Subsample catch for lengths; Record all sightings and interactions with marine mammals and sea turtles; Record fishing gear characteristics.

4 Objectives Describe 3 general activities that need to be accounted for on purse seine vessels List 3 cases when a new event must be recorded Demonstrate ability to complete the Daily Activity Log

5 Daily Activity Log Continuous through trip Activities:
Searching effort Fishing effort Marine mammal sightings Observations made from bridge Activities – defined by 25 event codes

6 2 hrs 4 hrs >1 knot



9 Cues - Birds

10 Cues - Splashes

11 Cues - Breezer

12 Cues – Floating Object

13 Cues – Other Report by other vessel Make note in the margin


15 6B Chase







22 Date/time

23 Lat/long

24 Beaufort, weather, observation condition

25 Visibility - Excellent
E3 > excellent vis but bright glare forward E2 > excellent vis & glare to 1 side Lauri Streaker 2009 Lauri Streaker - Lauri Streaker 2009 Lauri Streaker 2009

26 Visibility - Good G0 – Good vis & no glare Lauri Streaker 2009
~tas2blog/index.html G0 – Good vis & no glare Lauri Streaker - Lauri Streaker 2009 Lauri Streaker 2009

27 Visibility - Fair F1 – Fair vis affected by heavy seas
Lauri Streaker 2009 Lauri Streaker -

28 Visibility - Poor P0 > poor visibility & zero glare
P0 > poor visibility & zero glare Lauri Streaker 2009 Lauri Streaker 2009

29 Water temp, speed, No.X20, aerial assist

30 Binocular power 2 numbers (e.g., 25 x 100 ) Magnification
Lens diameter

31 Water temp, speed, No.X20, aerial assist

32 MM sight, Set, float object #’s

33 Activity Questions Handout for activity Groups of 2 15 minutes
Okay to use manual

34 Summary Describe 3 activities that need to be accounted for on purse seine vessels When does a new event need to be recorded? What forms are needed if you’re on effort and… You see a marine mammal? Deploy a floating object? Deploy gear?

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