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Linking Laputta to Market Program

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1 Linking Laputta to Market Program
Presented by Kyi Khaing Win Market Development Advisor,

2 Entered & Establishing in Myanmar
In Since 2008 Emergency periods as the livelihood and VRP activities supported/implemented by MC Delta (1) Program (Recovery) (Farmers/Landless) Delta (2) Program (Development Approach) Delta (3) Program (Markets Development Approach)

3 The Main Program Activities
The Rice Value Chain (Overall Activities) by markets linkages & facilitation approach such as following activities are; Seed on Credit Activities Fertilizer on Credit Activities Seed production Activities Capacity Building Training (Farmers/Landless) Agricultural Technical Training/ Advance Training Non off farm Technical training ( Industrial, Garment, Mechanic, Hotel, Construction) Markets Linkages (Farmers/ Landless) Linkages with Services Providers such as (Banks, Inputs companies, labors, seed sources, Finical services providers, millers/traders and other services providers) Exchange Visit Others Activities

4 Contract Farming Seed Model of Mercy Corps
Given certified seed in credit on time maximum 3 bkts/ farmer Pay market price for harvested paddy from Certified Seed Comes to collect the paddy # of farmers go to collect seed # of bkts After harvest FPE check price of miller regular basis FPE committee collect to paddy from members Sells good quality paddy from certified seed Pays back 4 baskets for every 2 baskets received per farmer Also each farmer guarantees to sell at Least 20 baskets (grown from certified Seed) to miller at agreed price and time Miller/Trader FPE

5 Achievements of project
Access to seed and other inputs Growth trust Improving the skills Making a more profits & Decrease logistic cost Growth network & build relationship Sure benefits Reduce the labor cost Make a more benefits and profits Accesses to quality paddy Growth business opportunities Easy to buy Others

6 Challenges on project activity
Logistics Repay Back Issues Rice Mill Capacity, Finance and Seed storages Worry on building of fixed price for both sides of FPEs and Rice millers/traders Market price in Yangon and Country level Weather condition for FPE farmer

7 Lesson learned of project
the selection of contract farming partner was driven by miller/traders and FPE.   Capital shortages for some millers/traders Contract farming, Mercy Corps played a very prominent role in brokering and ensuring smooth implementation of  the contract farming relationship.

8 Thank a lots for your attention

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