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BRONZE ACADEMY 2015 Social media, customer relationship management, duplicating yourself and marketing your business.

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Presentation on theme: "BRONZE ACADEMY 2015 Social media, customer relationship management, duplicating yourself and marketing your business."— Presentation transcript:

1 BRONZE ACADEMY 2015 Social media, customer relationship management, duplicating yourself and marketing your business.


3 The Billion Dollar Question
How do you transform ordinary associates into extraordinary leaders?

4 Industry Truth The landscape has changed and so have your people.

5 Associates Today… Endless OPTIONS for secondary income
Incredibly TIME-CHALLENGED Are LESS LOYAL than in any time in our history The attention span of a SQUIRREL Want success to be IMMEDIATE and EASY Wired to JUMP SHIP at the first sign of inconvenience

6 So the Question is… How do we transform first-time entrepreneurs into thriving leaders?

7 What’s The Answer? Acknowledge that it’s your responsibility to train and inspire your people to higher levels of COMMITMENT, CONTRIBUTION and ACHIEVEMENT.

8 What business are you really in?
You are NOT in the business of selling a product or service You are in the “personal growth” business using a product or service to grow your people.

9 The Associate Life Cycle
Established Leader 4 Accidental 2 New Distributor 1 Advancing 3 First 3 months First 2 levels of leadership Mid - levels of Top 2 levels Lifespan of a new person in direct sales is 86 days. First 3 months are crucial for your new people – you must give them all your support during this time.

10 Will You Answer The Call?
Acknowledge that it’s your responsibility Commit the time and resources Offer training that addresses the 3 elements of personal development Industry Skills

11 Next Generation Training
Duplicates the sponsor role (just in case) Offers clear next steps at every stage Creates accountability Recognizes forward movement Spots your superstars Nudges your slow movers

12 What is the Action Plan? First thing after signing up
Day 2 & 3 Activities Week 1 Activities Week 2 Activities New Associate Webinar (every 2nd Monday of the month) – See Calendar on website Step by Step Check Boxes Is there a clear path to $1000 per month to hit Manager? Utilize the Business Success Guide (for new associates) and the Train the Trainer document (on website) Set up a Communication strategy with your new associate(s) – weekly call with each person

13 Introduction Postcard

14 One page promo

15 Opportunity Tri fold

16 Resources Online /resources13/booklets-and-applications/ Under Resources – Business - Marketing Tools: Potential Recruit Form Invitation to Interview Lead Contact List Lead Generation Your New Associate – Step by Step Support Business Opportunity Flyer Introduction Postcard NSP Introduction

17 Success Formula 2 x 2 x 2 2 Herbal Hours per week
2 one on one Meetings per week 2 signed Business Associates per month

18 Marketing the New Products
Find different ways to get the word out – ask friends who run a business Herbal Hours Create a video testimonial of people who have used the product (or you do a personal one) Prepare an blast to all your customers or send a postcard to them (postcard on Resources/Business Section of website) Write a blog post about it (if you have a website) Include in your newsletter Book some Trade Shows Hold an Open House and Product sampling Lunch & Learn at a Networking Event, Business, etc. – Guest speak Hand out Business Guide Handout 16 ways to advertise and brainstorm ideas….

Social Media – links on our website…use this to learn more about marketing Promote a new product once a day; not all at once. Take the picture off the website and put on Facebook. If there is a video, post that. Google Hangouts – do a live meeting to promote the product / Virtual Herbal Hour FaceBook Q & A – Promote a specific time (one hour) that you will be on Facebook (your business page) and you will be happy to answer any questions they have about the New Products. Promote it at least a week in advance to get people excited about it. Do draws for product at the end. Online Marketing Tools Facebook Find all of the information you need to create a Facebook Business Page. Click on the links below. How to Create a Facebook Business Page Adding a Profile Picture and Cover Photo Filling Out Facebook’s About Section Finding Content to Post on Facebook Facebook's Advertising Guidelines Twitter Twitter Basics PowerPoint Social Media Basics Articles 61 Social Media Tools to Help Build Your Business Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+ Basics Video tutorials INFOGRAPHICS that you can cut and paste and put on your facebook pages.

20 POWER HOUR Every day (or 5 days a week) spend one “Power Hour”.
The first 15 minutes, spend the time making Herbal Hour calls to your clients (setting up an Herbal Hour and confirming with your clients who have booked one). Or call clients to set up a 1-1 appointment. The second 15 minutes, spend the time making teambuilding-related calls: following up on a potential recruit lead or calling someone you met at a trade show. The last 30 minutes, spend the time servicing what you did the first half hour: mailing/ ing out information on a Herbal Hour to people or business opportunity information. Sending out Thank You Cards to your clients. Send out product information. Then spend 2 evenings a week doing Herbal Hours. If becoming a Manager is your goal, simply double your efforts by spending 2 “Power Hours”. Some topics for the 2nd hour could be: Team Building Calls, Recruiting Leads Follow-Up, Meeting Ideas, Personal Development & Growth.

Step 1 – Touch it Once – If you touch it, take action! Step 2 – Make Lists – lists help you stay focused on high priorities and highly productive matters. The key to being productive is to stick to the 5 most important things you need to get done that day. Step 3 – Plan How Much time you will allocate to each task. Do things in small chunks of time. Step 4 – Plan the Day – Time management sheet. Allocate specific time frames for the tasks and stick to it. Build in buffer areas if things get off track. Step 5 – Prioritize – Put the most important or difficult task first in your day. This simple step will give you tremendous sense of control and accomplishment. If you are a one person army, then you personally must spend at least 2.5 hours per day growing your company. Step 6 – Ask yourself “Will it hurt me to throw this away? “ Avoid the clutter. Discard s you don’t need and junk mail.

22 Education without execution is a waste of space
Education without execution is a waste of space. Execution without education is a waste of time.

23 Every buyer can be taught how to be a better buyer of your type of product or service. Educating the consumer on why they need to buy. You will attract way more buyers if you are offering to teach them something of value than you will ever attract by simply trying to sell them your product or service. Offering an education that helps the buyer is going to get more buyer interest. If the information is actually good and useful, it automatically repositions you in the mind of the buyer as much more of an expert than all your competitors. If you think and plan strategically, you will find a way to weave that information in such a way that ultimately sells your services far better than you could ever sell them by simply flat-out-pitching your product. When you sell, you break rapport, but when you educate, you build it. Sales is all about building rapport, not breaking it. When people feel they’re being sold to, they automatically resist you. When people are being educated, they have no resistance – especially if the information is good.

24 Education Based Marketing
If you come from the place of truly wanting to serve your buyer, then being a market expert – not just a product expert – means being more knowledgeable than any of your competitors. Market data is way more motivational than product data. Internet makes data readily available. Sites like and have great info. Sign up for Google Alerts to get updates on relevant topics. Do some market research on your industry over time. Keep track of everything you find out that could be of value to your customers. Dedicate time each week to learning more. Find market data that makes your product or service more important than your competitors.

25 7 Steps to a Sale Step 1 - Establish Rapport
The more you create a sense of community and friendship with your clients, the stronger the grip you will have on your market. Set up procedures or opportunities to build relationships and have fun with the client. Questions to ask: How many children do they have? What are their ages and names? What are their hobbies? Do you know their goals in life? Where are they from? What is their history?  Rapport is an emotional bond or friendly relationship between people based on mutual liking, trust and a sense that they understand and share each other’s concerns. You will find that you close a much higher percentage of sales if you have good solid rapport with your prospects.

26 Building Rapport One thing you can do to establish trust is to make your prospects feel that they are working with an expert. When the salesperson is highly knowledgeable, it translates to influence. Tips to help build rapport : Ask great questions! As fast as you can, get into the person’s world. Remember everyone’s favourite person to talk about is themselves. Have a sense of humour. Have fun together! Commiserate – Misery loves company! Be supportive. Be empathetic and care about them. Be more interested in them than anyone else has ever been. Find the common ground. Hunt for things that you can relate to. Mirror. – If the client leans forward, you lean forward. If the client tilts their head slightly, you can tilt yours the same way.

27 Step 2 – Qualify the Buyer / Find the Need
Think of every question you should ask in order to thoroughly understand the clients needs. Your job is to set up systems, procedures and training that create a machine where you get deep with your prospects. “If you truly believe that what you have is useful and valuable to your clients, then you have a moral obligation to try to serve them in every way possible.” – Jay Abraham Step 3 – Build Value How you introduce the education to your clients is as important as the education itself. You need to presell everything you are about to tell them.

28 Step 4 – Create Desire Lead them through a series of questions in which you intensify their need from their perspective. Present killer data that truly motivates your buyer to take action now. Your buyers will be a lot more motivated if their current situation becomes unacceptable. To create desire, you must motivate your buyers using a combination of problems and solutions, even if you are the one pointing out the problems that they haven’t really considered. Market data can do this well. So make them feel uncomfortable. People will act faster to solve a problem than they will go to gain an unrealized benefit. People naturally move away from problems and discomfort, to solutions. Once you have shown them the problems, paint the picture of their wonderful future with your products or service and you will create desire. Just be sure you are painting a picture of their future and not just your products. Remember that features tell, benefits sell. Don’t tell them what it is, but rather why they need it. How will your product make their lives better?

29 Step 5 – Overcome Objections
How do we create desire in our clients to have our product or service? What is your biggest challenge? What would it be worth to you if this challenge could be fixed forever? What does it cost you to not fix this problem? Remember – an objection is an opportunity to close, you will always be happy to hear one.  Always agree with an objection. Step 6 – Close the Sale Most salespeople don’t close well due to weak ego strength and fear of rejection.  QTIP – Quit Taking It Personally! Make the offer; worst thing they can do is say no. Step 7 – Follow-Up

“Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to keep things simple.” ~ Richard Branson K.I.S.S. - KEEP IT SIMPLE SUNSHINE! 

31 Focusing on a product you are passionate about…

32 Christine Lennips sold 114 bags of Nature’s Harvest after the launch of it in May in 3 months! FOCUS = CLARITY “After attending the weekend in Trenton when they launched Nature's Harvest I stretched myself and ordered 16 bags of it (12+4). I had been using the product for 2-3 weeks and had started to muscle test some of my clients on this item (hiding in a gift bag so that it was still a secret launch). When I got back home I started testing everyone of my clients that came to see me for herbal appointments. So many of them were needing it. I shared the benefits of why they should use it. They did what I suggested. They would buy a bag and then call me up and order more, because they liked it and they felt better. The momentum just kept building as more and more people were sharing their stories with me. Then I would share those the next time I saw others. Some were sharing it with family members and friends. I let people taste test it at shows promoting Nature's Sunshine and gained some new clients because of it; got some previous clients involved again because of it. I love the product and so do my clients. I tell people about it, share the fact sheet or post card with them. It really is that simple!!!”

33 Transformational Habit of Health
Let your new Business Associates use this to begin to promote these products to their network of family/friends. Gain confidence in working with these products and promoting people go onto Sunshine Rewards. Simplicity is powerful and will help them focus and give them clarity!

1. find out what your clients really think (via phone, not or paper based) Independent feedback = value proposition, brand & your best marketing collateral The process will help you “earn the right” for referrals Selling services (intangible) – need evidence of your service quality to counteract fears

35 2. plant “referrability seeds”
Foreshadow the conversation – website, collateral, initial meetings Share your vision of a referrals based business; “I’m building a business based on providing so much value to my clients, they often want to tell others about me.” “please don’t keep me a secret.”

36 3. Acknowledge your client’s fears
Make it all about them – “I love making my clients look good by doing a great job with the contacts they refer to me.” Explain your referral process and the outcomes of any introductions – build their confidence in the process A successful outcome with a referred client strengthens the existing client relationship and should lead to more referrals

37 4. Fish for compliments & brainstorm
Get clients to articulate your value Treat your referral request with importance Be confident & expect to get referrals If you met your clients through referrals, remind them of that Get permission to brainstorm

38 5. Get your head in the game
Statistics show that 80% of customers would refer you, only 20% of clients have the ‘referral conversation” with their associate. Overcoming your own objections: “I often don’t feel I’ve served my clients enough yet to ask” – listen to their comments “I don’t want my clients to think I’m not successful” – if referrals are based on the value you have brought, the easier it will be to ask for referrals “I will look too aggressive and hurt the relationship” – ask from a client centered point of view

39 6. Pick your moment The opportunities to become more referable – do you track this in your client contact process? Provide value – memorable experience and strong client relationships


62% of the reasons customers fail to continue to do business with you is a Perceived indifference

42 Even if they know, like and trust you, they will forget you if you don’t keep in touch
Remember, it costs a lot more to acquire a new customer, than it does to retain an existing one (80/20 rule)

43 What are you doing to be remembered by your customers, prospects and referral partners? What is your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program?

44 Real success formula for selling: Trust & Respect = Influence = Potential for control = More market share at every mutually beneficial opportunity. An excellent brochure or “leave behind” helps as well. Reminds them why they bought your product. The more you remind them, the less chance they will ever forget why they bought. ( Quality brochure to give them, your business card, your newsletter etc.) Your goal is to become such a bright spot in your clients’ day that they actually look forward to your calls, letters, and s. Make the relationship fun and entertaining by incorporating into your follow up such things as cards, letters, games, jokes, or gifts.

45 Customer touch points Monthly newsletter
Send 4 stay-in-touch appreciation cards a year (1 every 3 months) to all your clients – handwritten cards or use Send Out cards services blasts with product specials Phone calls to remind them to re-order and check in on how they are doing Send them a birthday card Invite them to events you are having or if you are doing a trade show; give them free tickets Hold a customer appreciation night twice a year and invite your customers

46 TOP OF MIND AWARENESS!!! Tell clients not to keep you a secret.
Tell prospects and clients “I’m glad that you see the value in the work that we do. You know, I am never too busy to see if I can help your friends and family through my work.  I hope you won’t keep me a secret.” Give your clients your business cards to carry as a benefit to them – write their account number on your card and it becomes an important document. Create a referral program for current clients where they receive some type of reward or recognition for the new business they refer to you. Add to your signature: Referrals Appreciated. Add a “Referrals Appreciated” or “By Referral Only” tagline to your business card. TOP OF MIND AWARENESS!!!


By the time a consumer reaches 65, they have seen over 2 million commercials. That is the equivalent of watching advertising 7 days a week, 8 hours a day for 6 straight years In 1965, consumers recalled 34% of commercials they had seen. In 1990, that number had dropped to 8%. And by 2007, consumers could barely name 2 commercials that they had seen in a given day In 1960, advertisers spent $107 per consumer for their ads. In 2009, they spent over $1257 per consumer for their ads (1200% increase) Traditional selling costs much more than ever before and businesses are paying more for much less. The trends are obvious and businesses need to do something different to stand out from the competition. WORD OF MOUTH MARKETING!



51 Offering the Opportunity….
Some will, some won’t, so what! Offer everyone a piece of gum and see what their reaction is. Offer to everyone – never prejudge.

52 How has the Nature’s Sunshine Business changed your life?
Then let’s make sure we offer the opportunity to everyone we meet so you can change their lives just like it changed yours.

53 COACHING Your People



56 Coaching is NOT One on one training

57 Coaching is not a substitute for


59 Coaching pulls out Training puts in

60 After this meeting and convention…
Review your notes and write down 3 things that you took away from this meeting that you will implement into your business when you get back. me: with your 3 things so I can hold you accountable  After Convention, ask this same question of everyone in your team that attended conference. FOLLOW UP is key to their continued success!



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