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Section 7-1 Ratios and Proportions

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1 Section 7-1 Ratios and Proportions

2 Then Now Objectives You solved problems by writing and solving equations. Write ratios. Write and solve proportions.

3 Common Core State Standards
Content Standards G.MG.3 – Apply geometric methods to solve problems. Mathematical Practices 7) Look for and make use of structure. 8) Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Common Core State Standards

4 Ratio: a comparison of two quantities using division.

5 In Logan’s high school, there are 190 teachers and 2650 students
In Logan’s high school, there are 190 teachers and students. What is the approximate student- teacher ratio at his school? Example 1

6 The number of students that participate in sports programs at Central High School is The total number of students in the school is Find the athlete-to-student ratio to the nearest tenth. Example 1

7 Extended Ratio: used to compare three or more quantities.

8 The ratio of the measures of the three angles in a triangles is 4:5:6
The ratio of the measures of the three angles in a triangles is 4:5:6. Find the measure of each angle. Example 2

9 The ratio of the measures of the sides of a triangle is 3:4:6, and its perimeter is 104 feet. Find the measure of each side of the triangle. Example 2

10 The ratio of the measures of the three angles of a triangle is 5:7:8
The ratio of the measures of the three angles of a triangle is 5:7:8. Find the measure of the smallest angle. The ratio of the measures of the sides of a triangle is 6:7:9, and its perimeter is 77 cm. Find the length of the largest side of the triangle. Example 2

11 Proportion: An equation stating two ratios are equal
Proportion: An equation stating two ratios are equal. a and d are called the extremes of the proportion, while b and c are called the means. Vocabulary


13 Solve each proportion. Example 3

14 In an experiment, students netted butterflies, recorded the number with tags on their wings, and then released them. The students netted 48 butterflies and 3 of those had tagged wings. Predict the number of butterflies that would have tagged wings out of 100 netted. Example 4

15 Monique randomly surveyed 30 students from her class and found that 18 had a dog or cat for a pet. If there are 870 students in Monique’s school, predict the total number of students with a dog or cat. Example 4


17 p.464 #1 – 4, 9, 13, 14, 17, 19, 25 – 29, 44 Homework

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