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Training Programs at VenturingFest

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Presentation on theme: "Training Programs at VenturingFest"— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Programs at VenturingFest
Robbie DiBiagio Northeast Region Advisor

2 Question and Answer at end of Webinar
You can type questions using the “Chat” tab in the UberConference Registration is now live for participants (crews and individuals) to register and make deposits. Materials are also available online: Participant Guidebook, FAQ, video promo and more.

3 Our Vision Incorporate training throughout the normal program areas
Never take a participant out of the program Training through adventure!

4 Certifications Advance your knowledge and skill in certain program areas RSO, LNT, BSA Lifeguard, etc.

5 Ranger Award Program areas will offer certain requirements for the Ranger Award First Aid, Communications, Cooking, Emergency Preparedness, Land Navigation, LNT, Conservation, Backpacking, Mountain Biking, Ecology, Fishing, Cope, Shooting Sports You will not earn the entire award during VenturingFest

6 Kodiak Challenge Facilitated through subcamps Sign up ahead of time
Walk away with the training award See google form for more information

7 Documents and Fact Sheets
Content published Passed out through Regions Kodiak google sheet Tracking sheet Personal checklist

8 Training Questions? Never hesitate to reach out to your leadership with questions and feedback There are training staff positions open

9 General Questions? Contingent Registrations
To make a contingent payment, get to the registration screen and print the screen information; turn this in to your council for payment to be sent to the Summit Bechtel Reserve. Be sure to note your reservation number on the payment to ensure proper crediting. How do I add crew members, and how does the payment work? You can add registrants at any time – the amount due will depend on if you register them before April 30 ($500) or after April 30 ($600). There are no registrations accepted after May 31.

10 General Questions (continued)?
Cancellation policy – Summit payments that have been made will not be refunded, but can be transferred to another individual for the same event.  Rafting payments are due with your crew’s balance. If you are paying your crew balance after April 30, the rafting fee is still $75, but your registration fee will increase $600 per person.  Personal bicycles are not allowed.

11 Question and Answer at end of Webinar
You can type questions using the “Chat” tab in the UberConference Registration is now live for participants (crews and individuals) to register and make deposits. Materials are also available online: Participant Guidebook, FAQ, video promo and more.

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