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11/28/16 – Turn in your Extra Credit to the silver tray

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Presentation on theme: "11/28/16 – Turn in your Extra Credit to the silver tray"— Presentation transcript:

1 11/28/16 – Turn in your Extra Credit to the silver tray
QOD What do we call the languages that are based on Latin? The languages based on Latin are called Romance Languages. I can describe how Rome Engineered an Empire.

2 11/28/16 Agenda I can and QOD Vocabulary Flashcards
Review Engineering an Empire Review Chapter 35 – Daily Life quiz Crash Course: Rome

3 Last Weeks’ cards Consul Forum Fresco Senate Tribune Constantinople
This Week Bag Year Long Bag Discard Consul Forum Fresco Senate Tribune Constantinople Pax Romana Aqueduct Villa Dome

4 Quiz 12 cards Greco-Roman – Roman art that was influenced by the Greeks Persecute – to cause a person to suffer because of his/her beliefs renaissance – a great flowering of culture Vault – an series of arches used for a ceiling or to support a ceiling or roof **Emperor - the political leader of a territory containing several countries or groups of people

5 Engineering An Empire - Rome
A – his power D – Ten days True C – Sewer System B - International Highway C – Octavian (Caesar Augustus) False – Forum, Theater, amphitheater, basilica are examples of urban centers A – waterproof concrete including volcanic sand a – 1st (0-99 AD) C – The aqueducts, which brought 200 million barrels of water a day into Rome

6 False – Britain True A – arch E – It was clean and every middle-class or upper-class home had running water B – Nero … mushroom C – Christians B – three C – artist A – coliseum

7 B – Dacia A – a 125’ marble column with a relief telling of Trajan’s victory in Dacia B – a shopping mall with 150 shops B – 73 … 15 True C – Pantheon C – eighteen centuries B – architect C – bath complex B – public baths

8 Chapter 35 Answers B C A D A C D B


10 Crash Course: Rome wsLDTFxjL50movoBlRbr_--vsPt4&index=2

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