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Regulatory Co-operation and the WTO TBT Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Regulatory Co-operation and the WTO TBT Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulatory Co-operation and the WTO TBT Committee
G/TBT/W/340, dated 7 September 2011

2 G/TBT/W/26, dated 13 November 2009 (Fifth Triennial Review )

3 What is the rationale for such co-operation?

4 Government officials from different countries engage …

5 .. with the objectives which may include the formulation of more
compatible, transparent and simpler regulations.

6 Regulatory co-operation contributes to building confidence between trading partners.

7 What is the rationale for such co-operation?
Confidence  What is the rationale for such co-operation?

8 Diversity exists and is normal.

9 Limiting costs associated with necessary diversity.

10 Reducing unnecessary diversity.

11 What is the rationale for such co-operation?
Confidence  What is the rationale for such co-operation? Unnecessary diversity / costs 

12 What are the avenues for regulatory cooperation between countries?

13 Scope  Settings  Ambition

14 WTO WTR 2011


16 “PTAs are not only about lowering tariffs … cover a large number of non-tariff policy areas and have become deeper.” WTO WTR 2011, p. 153

17 most common provisions, over 60 per cent of the cases
occurring between 40 and 60 per cent of cases (red) WTO WTR 2011, p. 142 Occurring in less than 40 per cent of cases (blue)

18 Where is Regulatory Co-operation in the
the TBT Agreement?

19 “Regulatory Co-operation” as such is not explicitly mentioned in the TBT Agreement.

20 standards equivalence harmonization mutual recognition but it is implicit work of the committee technical assistance

21 Where next?

22 Coordination at home first, helps
Some messages Similarity in regulatory regimes helps (confidence ) Cooperation is particularly useful when looking ahead Coordination at home first, helps Start small (even informally) and think strategically

23 Questions for participants
Is there a role for the Committee, if so what? Can something be done in context of 6th TR

24 thank you

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