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Handling Temptation and Sin

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2 Handling Temptation and Sin
In our previous lesson, we considered several principles that will aid us in properly handling temptation and sin. This lesson will continue along with that same goal as our focus. Properly handling temptation and sin is vital to our strengthening the inward man.

3 Handling Temptation & Sin – Part 2
(Strengthening the Inward Man)

4 Learn to Abhor Sin Look at the consequences of sin in the Bible:
Sometimes it appears one has managed to avoid any consequences (Eccl. 8:11; 12:14). The way of the transgressor is hard (Prov. 13:15; 21:8). Look at David’s (2 Sam. 12:9-14), Manasseh’s (2 Ki. 21:1-8; 23:26; 24:3; Jer. 15:4), Adam & Eve’s consequences (Gen. 3:16-19, 22-24; Rom. 5:12-21).

5 Learn to Abhor Sin Look at the consequences of sin in our own lives:
How you feel when you give in. The damage done to you and others by sin (Cf. Matt. 6:24; Jas. 4:1-10). If we understand this (that all strife & unhappiness comes from lusts) it will help us to abhor sin.

6 Some Prominent Cases of Temptation & Lust
Adam and Eve (Genesis 3) Joseph (Genesis 39) Achan (Joshua 6-7) David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11) Jesus, the Christ (Matthew 4; Luke 4)

7 Some Prominent Cases of Temptation & Lust
Those who failed (Gen. 3; Josh. 6-7; 2 Sam. 11): Listened to the wrong advice Lost their concentration Were where they ought not to be, or were not where they should be Were ignorant of or lost sight of the consequences

8 Some Prominent Cases of Temptation & Lust
Those who succeeded (Gen. 39; Matt. 4; Lk. 4): Never forgot whom they were dealing with Kept their duty to God uppermost in mind Kept what was right uppermost in mind Made it a point to avoid the temptation (whenever possible) Fled temptation Kept their priorities in order

9 Sin is what separated man from God in the first place…
Sin will contaminate us; it will disease and ruin everything it touches: We put the guilt of sin away through the blood of Jesus Christ. We put the practice of sin away by transforming of life, putting away the old man & putting on the new man, and by resisting the devil.

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