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Characteristics of Life

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1 Characteristics of Life

2 What are the 8 Characteristics of Life?
Made of cells Grow and Develop Need energy and has metabolism Reproduction Living things change over time Homeostasis Respond to a stimulus Has DNA-based on a genetic code

3 Cells Basic Unit of Life
Living things can be Unicellular or Multicellular Unicellular: Made of only 1 cell Example are Protists and Bacteria Multicellular: Made of two or more cells Example are humans

4 All living things grow during at least PART of their lives
Grow and Develop All living things grow during at least PART of their lives

5 Need For Energy Living things need an energy source to stay alive, grow, and carry out life processes like moving and surviving. Two main kinds of energy Plants: Light energy from the sun Animals: Chemical energy contained in the food we eat

6 Metabolism The process a living things goes through when it creates, breaks down or rearranges matter to carry on life.

7 Reproduction All living things need to make new organisms to keep their species alive Asexual Reproduction Only one parent involved Parent divides and makes an exact copy of itself Done by single-celled organisms like bacteria and Protists Sexual Reproduction Two parents involved Sex cells-Egg and Sperm- and combined to make a very unique new cell that will grow into a new life.

8 Change over Time Populations of living things, pressured by their environment, change over time. This is called adaptation and evolution

9 Homeostasis All living things keep an internal steady environment
This steady state is called Homeostasis Example: If you get hot, your body sweats to cool you down. If you are cold, your body shivers and redirects your warm blood flow to your key organs so they do not die…..That is why your feet and hands get really cold first.

10 Response to a Stimulus For survival, all living things respond to their environment. The Stimulus is the signal the living thing responds to The response might Protect them from danger Help locate food Know to take shelter before a storm Help them find a mate

11 Life is based on DNA-The Genetic Code
DNA is the material your parents sent you in their egg and sperm It has the directions to make exactly who you are Your eye color Your height Your 10 fingers Your heart You are truly half your mom and half your dad 

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