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Welcome to Practitioner-to-Faculty: An Examination of Narratives

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Practitioner-to-Faculty: An Examination of Narratives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Practitioner-to-Faculty: An Examination of Narratives
Tuesday, March 6, Convention Center, 115B Please be respectful of your colleagues by silencing your phone. If you need to answer a call, please go to the hallway.

2 Who are YOU and why are you here?
Danielle DeSawal, Ph.D. Clinical Associate Professor | Master's Program Coordinator Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Higher Education and Student Affairs Program Indiana University Kathy Guthrie, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Higher Education | Director of the Leadership Learning Research Center Florida State University Brian L. McGowan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Higher Education | School of Education Faculty Affiliate | African American and African Diaspora Studies The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Matthew R. Shupp, Ed.D., NCC, DCC Assistant Professor | Coordinator, College Counseling & College Student Personnel Specializations Department of Counseling and College Student Personnel Shippensburg University Welcome! Who are YOU and why are you here?

3 Topical Areas of Interest
Types of Faculty Roles to Pursue after an Administrative Role -Senior Lecturer, Instructor, Visiting, Tenure-Track, etc. -Qualifications Necessary for these Roles -Negotiating the Job Offer The Myths and Truths about the Faculty Life -Types of Institutions and impact on fit and expectations (or perceived expectations…) -Establishing a Research Agenda -Service Expectations Faculty Relationships to SA Division (how do we continue to successfully engage with our SA colleagues?)

4 Thank you for joining us today!
Please remember to complete your online evaluation following the conference. See you in Los Angeles in 2019!

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