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Supreme Court of Ohio Subcommittee on Responding to Child Abuse, Neglect and Dependency Guardian ad Litem Rule and Practice Project:  Report on GAL Survey.

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Presentation on theme: "Supreme Court of Ohio Subcommittee on Responding to Child Abuse, Neglect and Dependency Guardian ad Litem Rule and Practice Project:  Report on GAL Survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supreme Court of Ohio Subcommittee on Responding to Child Abuse, Neglect and Dependency Guardian ad Litem Rule and Practice Project:  Report on GAL Survey Monday, June 01, 2015

2 477 Total Responses Date Created: Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Complete Responses: 370

3 Q1: How many years have you been a Guardian ad Litem?
Answered: Skipped: 8

4 Q2: In what area(s) do you practice?
Answered: Skipped: 12

5 Q3: In what types of cases do you participate as GAL (please check all that apply)?
Answered: Skipped: 8

6 Q5: What is your professional background?
Answered: Skipped: 80

7 Q7: In approximately how many cases are you appointed per year?
Answered: Skipped: 33

8 Q8: What is the typical length of your Guardian ad Litem appointment?
Answered: Skipped: 20

9 Q9: In how many cases have you been reappointed (due to new filings and/or motions)?
Answered: Skipped: 108

10 Q10: What is your role when you are initially appointed?
Answered: Skipped: 31

11 Q13: Are there topics on which you would like to receive training in addition to the training specified in Sup. R. 48 (E)(3)(i.e., additional hours on a required topic or training on a new topic)?   If so, check all that apply Answered: Skipped: 87

12 Q14: From what provider do you take your Guardian ad Litem 3-hour trainings?
Answered: Skipped: 50

13 Q15: Do you believe the current GAL pre-service training offers adequate preparation for GALs in terms of number of hours and required topics? Answered: Skipped: 34

14 Q16: Do you believe the current requirement for post-service annual training is adequate?
Answered: Skipped: 34

15 Q19: How is your order of appointment as a Guardian ad Litem provided?
Answered: Skipped: 81

16 Q20: How are you appointed as a Guardian ad Litem? Check all that apply.
Answered: Skipped: 116

17 Q22: Is there a local court rule, general practice order, or other procedure in place in your county or counties of practice that details a GAL’s responsibilities and GAL accountability for their actions? Answered: Skipped: 125

18 Q24: Do you have access to comments or complaints made about you as a Guardian ad Litem?
Answered: Skipped: 170

19 Q25: Does your professional liability insurance cover your work as a Guardian ad Litem?
Answered: Skipped: 98

20 Q27: Does your court prescribe a report form that GALs must use?
Answered: Skipped: 91

21 Q28: If your court does not prescribe a report form that must be used by GALs, do you think such a form would be helpful? Answered: Skipped: 142

22 Q29: If you think that a prescribed report form for GALs would be helpful, please indicate what should be included.

23 Q30: How far in advance of a dispositional hearing do you provide your report?
Answered: Skipped: 122

24 Q33: How are you paid as a Guardian ad Litem?
Answered: Skipped: 177

25 Q35: Has the failure of a party to pay your court-ordered GAL fees ever influenced or had any impact on your recommendations in your GAL report? Answered: Skipped: 167

26 Q36: Does your court have a local rule or general practice order regarding the appointment or compensation of GALs in custody cases in which both parties or litigants are indigent? Answered: Skipped: 157

27 Q37: How many times have you been appointed as a pro bono GAL?
Answered: Skipped: 148

28 Q38: Does your court maintain a list of pro bono GALs?
Answered: Skipped: 240

29 Q40: Would you like to be contacted to discuss GAL practice further?
Answered: Skipped: 146

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