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Quantum mechanics I Fall 2012

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1 Quantum mechanics I Fall 2012
Physics 451 Quantum mechanics I Fall 2012 Oct 31, 2012 Karine Chesnel


3 Phys 451 Announcements Homework this week: HW #16 Friday Nov 2 by 7pm

4 Phys 451 Position- momentum in 3 dimensions Pb 4.1

5 Schrödinger equation in 3 dimensions z y x Phys 451 Each stationary
state verifies

6 Schroedinger equation in cartesian coordinates
Phys 451 Schroedinger equation in cartesian coordinates Pb 4.2 Infinite cubical well: V=0 inside a box Separation of variables

7 Schrödinger equation in spherical coordinates
Phys 451 Schrödinger equation in spherical coordinates x y z r The radial equation The angular equation

8 The angular equation Phys 451 y z r Further separation of variables: x
F equation: m integer (revolution) q equation:

9 The angular equation Phys 451 y x z r Physical condition l,m integers
Solution: Legendre function Legendre polynomial Physical condition l,m integers

10 The angular equation Phys 451 y z r x Legendre function Solution:
are polynoms in cosq (multiplied by sinq if m is odd)

11 Spherical harmonics l m Phys 451 y z r x Azimuthal quantum number
Magnetic quantum number l m Simulation:

12 Spherical harmonics Pb 4.3 Quantum mechanics y z r
x y z r Method to build your spherical harmonics: 1. Legendre polynomial 2. Legendre function 3. Plug in cosq 4. Normalization factor Pb 4.3

13 Which one of the following quantities
Phys 451 Quiz 21 Which one of the following quantities could not physically correspond to a spherical harmonic? A. B. C. D. E.

14 The radial equation Phys 451 y The radial equation z r x
Change of variables Centrifugal term Form identical to Schrödinger equation ! with an effective potential

15 Phys 451 Normalization z r y x Radial part or Angular part

16 Orthonormality Pb 4.3 and 4.5 Phys 451 y
z r y x Spherical harmonics are orthogonal Angular part Pb 4.3 and 4.5

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