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Also called: Factors of Production and Economic Inputs

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1 Also called: Factors of Production and Economic Inputs
ECONOMIC RESOURCES Also called: Factors of Production and Economic Inputs

2 Economic Resources Include everything that can be used to make products All the ingredients used to make all the goods, services, and ideas produced in an economy Think of a product you’re wearing now; What economic resources were used to produce that good?

3 Goods, Services and Ideas
Good – a physical item, something you can touch Examples… Services – actions that are done for you Ideas – a concept, cause, issue, image, or philosophy that can be marketed Examples……

4 Categories of Economic Resources or Factors of Production
Natural Resources Human Resources or Labor Capital Resources Entrepreneurial Resources

5 Natural Resources (Land) – all the natural resources that a nation has
Raw materials Soil, water, minerals, plants, animals, climate Scarce Every good that you have was made from one or more natural resources. Every service that you use involved the use of natural resources Not equally distributed among nations

6 Human Resources or Labor
Workers The people who turn resources into products Includes all the people in a country who are available to work Includes the workers’ levels of education, skills, and productivity (the amount of work a person can do in a specific amount of time) Countries can be economically successful with few natural resources if their workers are highly educated, highly skilled, and very productive.

7 Capital Resources Any manufactured product that is used to make another product Machinery, buildings, vehicles, and computers Because capital consists of manufactured products, it is also called capital goods. Final product – a product purchased by consumers Money Technology – the use of tools to improve human life Tools – any objects that can be used to change the natural environment for to extend human capabilities Ex.-pencils, computers, bulldozers, assembly lines, internet……. The level of technology available in a country has a major impact on its economy. Benefits of advanced technology – better food, housing, health care, and more consumer goods (stuff)

8 Entrepreneurial Resources
The willingness and ability to start a new business New ideas for new products, services, businesses Who are/were these people: Dave Thomas; Mark Zuckerberg; Steve Jobs Ability to organize economic inputs into a successful business Ability to take risks, financial and personal, to start a business. The number and quality of entrepreneurs in a country have a major impact on the success of the economy.

9 Additional Important Info
Infrastructure – the transportation systems and utilities necessary for a modern economy usually large and cannot be moved form place to place Includes: highways, bridges, railroads, public transportation, seaports, airports, and postal service Utility infrastructure includes sanitation systems, electric power plants, water systems, and telephone service Infrastructure provides the foundation on which industry and business are built Most infrastructure has been built by governments but private companies have built railroads and oil pipelines

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