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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME BACK! MR. NEWCOMB ECONOMICS"— Presentation transcript:


2 JOURNAL #1: -What was your BEST memory, or moment, of 1st semester?
TUESDAY January 23, 2018 JOURNAL #1: -What was your BEST memory, or moment, of 1st semester?

3 TUESDAY JANUARY 23rd, 2018 AGENDA - Rules 5 Questions Passion WS
- Name Game

4 Classroom rules 1) Have a Vision 2) Be a LEARNER not a finisher
3) Lean into struggle 4) Feed your PASSION 5) Own YOUR education

5 5 QUESTIONS 1) What are the qualities that you look for in a teacher?
2) What are you passionate about? 3) What is one BIG question you have for this year? 4) What are your strengths and how can we utilize them? 5)What does success at the end of the year look like to you?

6 Wednesday 1/24/2018 #2 Journal Questions: Write Both Questions under the prompt box (Abbreviate if needed). 1.) What does it mean to be successful? 2.) Given everything that has happened to you in your life, is it possible for you to achieve success?

7 What it means to be Successful…
Write this down on the 1st page of your notes… “Success is PEACE OF MIND which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you DID YOUR BEST to become the best you are capable of becoming.” John Wooden

8 Exit Question From Admiral McRaven’s Commencement Address. Take a moment to think which “RULE” struck you the most? Which one can you apply in your life?

9 Thursday 1/25/2018 #3 Journal Questions: From Admiral McRaven’s Commencement Address. Take a moment to think which “RULE” struck you the most? Which one can you apply in your life?

10 Friday 1/26/18 Journal Question #4
1) Identify the relationship between scarcity and choices 2) Name 5 Basic Economic Assumptions (Abbreviate)

11 Friday 1/26/18 You will have TWO tasks today, both DUE AT END OF HOUR…
1) First, Current Event Analysis to be done on the handout. *TOPIC: Any ECONOMICS article on the 5 basic assumptions. *TIME: Current means within the last 3 YEARS. 2) Second will be completed on a SEPARATE sheet of paper. * TOPIC: Something you’re passionate about * Only need to do questions 1,2,3.

12 Monday 1/29/2018 Journal #5 Hunt the Good Stuff Write down THREE positive experiences from this weekend. They can be small or large, things you brought on, things you witnessed in others. Next, to each positive event that you list, write a REFLECTION about 1 or more of the following topics: Why this good thing happened? What this good thing means to you? What you can do tomorrow to enable more of this good thing? What ways you or others contribute to this good thing ? Good Thing 1: Reflection: Good Thing 2: Good Thing 3:

13 Tuesday 1/30/18 Journal Question #6
1) Explain the four Factors of Production using an example for each.

1) First, cut out each card from the hand out. 2) Categorize each card by BUSINESS/INSTITUTION 3) GLUE the cards onto the paper organized by Factor of Production. OPTION 2: 1) First, Categorize each card by BUSINESS/INSTITUTION by WRITING it down. 2)Second, organize the cards onto the paper by Factors of Production. 3) Finally, Create a WORDLE for each Factor of Production.

15 Wednesday 1/31/18 Journal #7 Explain the differences between consumer and capital goods. Provide an example of each.

16 2/1/2018 #8 Journal Question: (Only have to write the red.) As we kickoff Black History Month….. Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?” He not only preached this, but more importantly, he LIVED this. For your Journal today, take a moment and write down ONE person in your life who you can help to be SUCCESSFUL. What would it require you to do? What would it mean for that person?

17 Journal # 9 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2018
Economists point out that all individuals make decisions that involve trade-offs. Describe one decision you made this week. Identify the tradeoff involved.


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