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Created by: Jessica Richards

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1 Created by: Jessica Richards
tornado Created by: Jessica Richards

2 Tornado A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that is in contact with both surface of the earth and cumulonimbus cloud or, cumulus cloud

3 WHAT CAUSES TORNADOS The intense spinning of a tornado is partly the result of the updrafts and downdrafts of a thunderstorm (caused by the unstable air) interacting with the wind shear ,resulting in a tilting of the wind shear to form and upright tornado vortex

4 PREDICTION TOOLS The prediction tools that are used to see when a tornado is near are the DOPPLER RADAR SYSTEM this tool is the main tool to predict when a tornado is coming. It produces velocity data about objects at a distance

5 EFFECTS ON TORNADOS Tornados can kill or injure people also damage and destroy property. Tornados can destroy/knock down trees and other vegetation, and erode topsoil

6 Where tornados mostly occurs
Tornadoes occur mainly in the United States, particularly in the middle part of the country, in the region of the Great Plains states known as Tornado Alley. But very severe outbreaks have occurred in Florida and the Gulf Coast, and around the Great Lakes

7 How a person can prepare for this kind of event
You should make sure you have everyone that is in your house with you at all times, also make sure you have safe place to go

8 How the strength of a tornado is measured

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