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APIC Chapter 13 – Greater New York Q & A Forum-March 16, 2016

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1 APIC Chapter 13 – Greater New York Q & A Forum-March 16, 2016
Adebisi Adeyeye, DHA, RN, CIC Montefiore Medical Center Bronx, NY

2 Q1. The CDC recommendations for decreasing CLABSI include all of the following except:
Educational programs Routine replacement of catheters The use of Chlorhexidine for skin antisepsis The use of maximal sterile barrier precautions

3 Does this case meet CLABSI criteria?
64 y/o/F with severe COPD, chronic smoker, admitted with exac./COPD and pneumonia. During stay developed sudden onset of lower abd. pain with nausea. Exp. Lap., Hartman’s procedure, Colostomy for perforated sigmoid diverticulitis. Central line placed in OR. Patient critical post-op, remained vented in PACU. Admission sputum cultures growing scant Kleb. Pneum., CRE, and MRSA – previous history for both. BC collected post-op growing Pseudomonas. No imaging studies performed due to patient’s critical status. Condition deteriorated. Patient expired on day 12. Does this case meet CLABSI criteria? If yes, how many CLABSI would be reported? Central line Day 1 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 7 Day 10 Day 12 BC Pseudomonas BC no growth BC Candida BC E. coli BC Yeast and VRE Line DC’d BC GNR Fever 102.8º F Fever 101.9º F

4 Case Study continued NHSN: Infections associated with complications or extensions of infections already present on admission unless a change in pathogen or symptoms strongly suggests the acquisition of a new infection are not considered healthcare associated:

5 Q2. Ultrasonic cleaners are used for :
Removing gross soiling from an instrument High-level disinfection of instruments Sterilization of instruments Fine cleaning of instruments

6 Q3. An “antibiotic time out” occurs:
Daily Weekly Within 24 to 48 hours of culture results being available Within 96 hours of culture results being available

7 References NHSN APIC, certification study guide-6th edition

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