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Silence, Thank you! Complete your morning work

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1 Silence, Thank you! Complete your morning work
When you are done, read-“The Talking Eggs” p


3 Standards ELA: How do readers determine the main idea when it is inferred? Math: How do I add and subtract decimals? And How do evaluate exponents correctly? Science: What are cells? Grammar: Fanboys /How does a good writer use commas, conjunctions, interjections to create compound complex sentences? Social Studies: Civil War

4 Homework due Thursday Morning
Fanboys activity Main Idea sheet Math: exponents and adding and subtracting decimals Chapter summaries for Chapters and 16-18 (1 paragraph summary for chapters and 1 summary for chapters 16-18) Don’t forget to try and get a copy of “Tears of a Tiger” by Sharon Draper.

5 Math interactive notebook
Exponents Adding decimals

6 Exponent practice. Grab a partner

7 Social Studies m/watch?v=IDTupjXbNrc &list=PLNIsj5B_uDSPDW hwCQU8qzacHzr04pSQx

8 Social Studies Book

9 Science Students will view cell video on Brainpop: cells/ and teacher will use this site to discuss cells: f

10 Complete pages 94-100 in their Georgia Performance on Spotlight book

11 Guided Groups/ Partners:
Label drawings of cells using these sheets: 2i5ijny.pdf

12 Plant cell

13 Animal cell


15 ELA: How do readers determine the main idea when it is inferred?
Interactive notebook Activity. Entry: Main idea and details notes Date: September 8, 2015

16 Resources for this week
Science Math Social Studies ELA 2OIeiYqyKvTsSfWI4BTzsCM62cZJGQj

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