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Presentation to the King County Board for Developmental Disabilities

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the King County Board for Developmental Disabilities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the King County Board for Developmental Disabilities

2 GOALS OF PRESENTATION an overview of KCDDD’s work, guiding documents, and funding approach description of discretionary funding share community input about the developmental disabilities (DD) landscape identify funding strategies next steps

3 OVERVIEW OF KCDDD KCDDD’s mission is to assist County residents of all ages and cultures who have DD achieve full, active, integrated, and productive participation in community. Services and supports include: • Early intervention (EI) services • Adult employment services & high school transition (S2W) • Community access services • Community information and outreach services

4 GUIDING DOCUMENTS In addition to KCDDD’s mission, several other guiding documents inform the Division’s values, policies, services and strategic direction. These include: County Guidelines KCDDD Strategic Plan Board’s Annual Legislative Agenda KC Health & Human Services Trans-formation Plan King County Equity and Social Justice Report

5 FUNDING APPROACH Information found in these documents helps to guide a funding approach that: promotes inclusion, choice, and equitable access addresses root causes of problems aligns with federal, state and local initiatives regarding integration of health and humans services supports high quality services that are outcome-based, evaluated, and utilize data in decision making recognizes the connection between healthy development, healthy relationships, school readiness and success, employment, and quality of life

KCDDD receives dedicated County funds through property taxes (millage). Millage has historically been used as discretionary funding to: enhance delivery of core services pilot and implement new service strategies address emerging issues and opportunities leverage other funding sources KCDDD will be allocating approximately $500,000 in discretionary funding in the Spring of 2016

7 COMMUNITY INPUT Community input was used to inform the development of funding strategies for discretionary funding. Input flowed from community meetings, conversations, and stakeholder interviews conducted between May and November 2015, to scan the community landscape and identify:   What is working well? What could be improved or enhanced? Issues in need of amplification Emerging issues and challenges

Over 700 people from 130 groups or organizations were engaged representing: advocates crisis response staff DDA staff early Intervention providers early learning providers employment providers equity and social justice stakeholders housing providers info and outreach providers juvenile justice stakeholders KCDDD Board KCDDD staff social services providers parent groups parents parks and recreation staff school and OSPI staff self-advocates government training and technical assistance providers INPUT

What is working well? • EI’s success in preventing the need for later services and supports • parent training and support groups • S2W’s success in increasing employment rates of high school graduates • the expertise and knowledge base of adult employment providers • the emerging availability of culturally and linguistically appropriate information and outreach services

What could be improved or enhanced? Responses were grouped into the following areas: community information, access, and inclusion early intervention equity and social justice adult employment and S2W housing parent support schools (K-8)

11 What could be improved or enhanced?
 Community information and inclusion: improved Access(KC Metro program) and other forms of transportation clear and concise information on how to navigate the DD and related service systems by age and stage of life increased opportunities for people with DD to engage in community service more afterschool or after work activities where people can socialize and connect with their communities

12 What could be improved or enhanced?
 Early intervention: earlier identification and referrals to the EI system from pediatricians, preschools, and childcare providers greater awareness of the role that the EI plays within the early learning and early childhood systems increased access to culturally and linguistically appropriate early learning play groups more equitable levels of birth to three school district support of EI

13 What could be improved or enhanced?
 Equity and social justice: support services to help families meet basic needs so they can better focus on meeting DD specific needs of their families increased access to culturally and linguistically appropriate family support specialists to provide intensive information, referral and follow-along services increased access to culturally and linguistically appropriate interpreters who know the DD system more culturally relevant parent support groups more leadership opportunities for people with DD

14 What could be improved or enhanced?
Adult employment and S2W: setting student and family expectations around employment earlier in high school more bilingual & bicultural adult employment staff increased access to training opportunities for employment staff pairing successful employment and S2W providers with less experienced providers to increase system quality and capacity supports to help families make sure S2W paperwork is completed in time

15 What could be improved or enhanced?
 Housing: greater access to safe, inclusive, affordable, and accessible housing help in navigating the housing system and understanding housing options access to affordable and high quality in-home care access to appropriate respite/crisis housing

16 What could be improved or enhanced?
 Parent support: access to real-time behavioral support specialists for parents increased access to high quality respite care expanded supports for low income parents attending training and support groups such as transportation, childcare and food family support activities that create opportunities for parents to build informal relationships with other parents

17 What could be improved or enhanced?
 Schools (K-8) more peer programs designed to promote inclusion and create relationships between mainstream youth and youth in special education availability of community-based family support specialists to coordinate student care and behavioral supports more special education time spent on teaching “soft” people skills availability of school supplied assistive technology outside of the school year

18 Issues in need of amplification
the fatigue and worry about the future that aging parents experience in caring for their loved ones services for immigrant, refugee, communities of color, and low income families may require additional supports to be effective the benefit of prevention provided by EI services access to educational opportunities beyond high school that lead to higher paying jobs and increased social connections the role that warm, caring, and secure relationships play in increasing quality of life

19 Emerging issues  Opportunities
working with higher education and high-tech to advance assistive technology participation in broader County initiatives and collaborations engaging in community collaborations such as SOAR, Eastside Pathways, and the Road Map Project identifying innovative, best practice and evidence based service models and quality assurance frameworks that may be adopted by the DD system embedding cultural and linguistic competency in all services and supports

20 Emerging issues  Challenges
increasing systems capacity to serve individuals with autism support for the growing number of older parents who have difficulty being the primary caretakers of their adult children disproportionate rates of youth with DD being expelled from schools for behavioral issues lack of appropriate respite and crisis housing involvement of youth with DD in the justice system Increasing capacity of DD behavioral health expertise in the crisis response system

Community input Guiding documents Past use of discretionary funds Emerging issues Funding approach In developing funding strategies, community input and emerging issues were cross-walked with KCDDD’s guiding documents, funding approach, and past use of discretionary funding Funding strategies

Continue to support culturally and linguistically rooted strategies that result in increased high quality EI services for diverse families Expand and enhance information and outreach services to reach diverse communities experiencing disparities in accessing services, supports and resources Identify a sustainable family support model that increases families access to the services they need in their local communities

Continue to invest in training and technical assistance that increases employment providers capacity to provide high quality adult employment and S2W services Promote system integration efforts through collaborations with respite, crisis response, juvenile justice and housing systems Increase the timely use of behavioral supports for families experiencing behavioral health issues

24 NEXT STEPS Board will convene a working session to: Board will report
Reflect on information presented Prioritize and recommend funding strategies Identify resources needed to support & advance funding strategies Think through processes & timelines to get discretionary dollars out to the community Board will report on the working session and move forward recommended funding strategies in January

25 QUESTIONS Questions and comments about this presentation can be directed to Jim Ott, Community Outreach and Information Manager at , or

26 LINKS Links for documents referenced in this presentation are listed below: KCDDD Vision and Mission: County Guidelines: KCDDD Strategic Plan: Board’s Annual Legislative Agenda: KC Health and Human Services Transformation Plan: King County Equity and Social Justice Report:

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