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Journeys with Jesus No 3. From the Upper Room via the

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1 Journeys with Jesus No 3. From the Upper Room via the
Journeys with Jesus No 3. From the Upper Room via the Temple to Gethsemane i) The Places ii) The Prayers

2 The Places 1. The Upper Room

3 2. The Temple

4 3. The Olive Grove (Gethsemane)

5 The Prayers (i) In the Temple John chapter 17
“The great High Priestly prayer” “The great prayer of self-consecration” v.1 to 5 – Jesus and his Father v.6 to 19 – Jesus and his Friends v.20 to 26 – Jesus and his (future) Followers

6 ii) Gethsemane Mark Abba ...take this cup from me. Nevertheless, not what I will but your will be done

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