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Relating Ideas with Conjunctive Adverbs

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1 Relating Ideas with Conjunctive Adverbs
Using conjunctive adverbs Review A Review B

2 Using conjunctive adverbs
One difference between informal speech and formal writing is how we connect ideas. When speaking, we state ideas without showing how they relate. Idea 1 Some actors will not say the name Macbeth. Idea 2 I think they are just superstitious. Like this one! In formal situations, however, writers signal how ideas connect with conjunctive adverbs.

3 Using conjunctive adverbs
A conjunctive adverb is a transition word that indicates the relationship between the independent clauses that it joins. Commonly Used Conjunctive Adverbs accordingly however moreover besides indeed nevertheless consequently instead otherwise furthermore meanwhile therefore Independent Clause 1 Independent Clause 2 It has rained for two weeks; consequently, the lake level is high.

4 Using conjunctive adverbs However
The conjunctive adverb however is similar to but: both words set up a contrast. Compare … She was beautiful, popular, and intelligent, but it seems that she had low self-esteem. She was beautiful, popular, and intelligent; however, it seems that she had low self-esteem. Which sounds more formal? Notice that a semicolon comes before the conjunctive adverb and a comma comes after it.

5 Using conjunctive adverbs Therefore
The conjunctive adverb therefore is similar to so: both words show cause and effect. Compare . . . It is impossible to predict exactly where a tornado will unleash its fury, so all warnings must be taken seriously. It is impossible to predict exactly where a tornado will unleash its fury; therefore, all warnings must be taken seriously. Like other conjunctive adverbs, therefore sounds more formal. It also is preceded by a semicolon and followed by a comma.

6 Using conjunctive adverbs Furthermore and moreover
The conjunctive adverbs furthermore and moreover are similar to and: all three words indicate addition. Many neuroscientists believe that one’s capacity for learning another language diminishes with age; moreover, the early elementary years are the most opportune time for language learning. Many neuroscientists believe that one’s capacity for learning another language diminishes with age; furthermore, the early elementary years are the most opportune time for language learning. Furthermore and moreover are commonly used in argumentation to connect multiple lines of reasoning.

7 Using conjunctive adverbs Placement
Although conjunctive adverbs often come at the beginning of an independent clause, they can also appear in the middle or at the end. Other members of the committee objected to the solution. Beginning However, the plan was fine with me. Middle The plan, however, was fine with me. End The plan was fine with me, however. Notice that when a conjunctive adverb appears in the middle, commas come before and after it. At the end of a clause, a comma comes before the conjunctive adverb.

8 Using conjunctive adverbs
On Your Own For each of the following sentences, replace the underlined conjunction with a conjunctive adverb that relates ideas in the same way. Change the punctuation as necessary. 1. These shoes are cheaper, but the other pair will last longer. 2. The elevator was taking too long to arrive, so we took the stairs instead. 3. Keira brings more experience to the position, and she has worked in law enforcement before. [End of Section]

9 Review A Complete the following chart by providing other conjunctive adverbs that relate ideas in the same way. Consult your textbook or a dictionary if needed. Relationship Conjunctive Adverbs Contrast however Cause and Effect therefore Addition furthermore moreover

10 Review B Conjunctive adverbs are especially useful for explanations and argumentation. Set forth a serious argument about a controversial issue. Use three conjunctive adverbs, placed in different positions, in your writing.

11 The End

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